Samira Briongos
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Cited by
{RELOAD+ REFRESH}: Abusing Cache Replacement Policies to Perform Stealthy Cache Attacks
S Briongos, P Malagón, JM Moya, T Eisenbarth
29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 1967-1984, 2020
Cacheshield: Detecting cache attacks through self-observation
S Briongos, G Irazoqui, P Malagón, T Eisenbarth
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security …, 2018
Cache misses and the recovery of the full AES 256 key
S Briongos, P Malagón, JM de Goyeneche, JM Moya
Applied Sciences 9 (5), 944, 2019
Anomaly detection using gaussian mixture probability model to implement intrusion detection system
R Blanco, P Malagón, S Briongos, JM Moya
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 14th International Conference, HAIS …, 2019
Modeling side-channel cache attacks on aes
S Briongos, P Malagón, JL Risco-Martín, JM Moya
Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 1-8, 2016
Applying cost-sensitive classifiers with reinforcement learning to ids
R Blanco, JJ Cilla, S Briongos, P Malagón, JM Moya
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2018: 19th …, 2018
Cacheshield: Protecting legacy processes against cache attacks
S Briongos, G Irazoqui, P Malagón, T Eisenbarth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.01795, 2017
Aim, Wait, Shoot: How the CacheSniper Technique Improves Unprivileged Cache Attacks
S Briongos, I Bruhns, P Malagón, T Eisenbarth, JM Moya
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 683-700, 2021
No Forking Way: Detecting Cloning Attacks on Intel SGX Applications
S Briongos, G Karame, C Soriente, A Wilde
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2023
Building accurate models to determine the current CPU utilization of a host within a virtual machine allocated on it
S Briongos, P Malagón, JL Risco, JM Moya
Proceedings of the Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, 1-12, 2017
Modeling tree-structured I2C communication to study the behavior of a dielectric coolant in a two-phase immersion cooling system
P Malagón, P Arroba, S Briongos, AM Santana, JM Moya
Proceedings of the 2020 Summer Simulation Conference, 1-12, 2020
Patching enclaves with shared resources
S Briongos, F Klaedtke
US Patent App. 17/966,918, 2024
Microarchitectural attacks detection mechanism for trusted execution environments
S Briongos
US Patent 11,907,371, 2024
Secure time source for trusted execution environments
S Briongos, C Soriente, F Klaedtke, G Karame
US Patent App. 17/879,805, 2024
Cache-based communication for trusted execution environments
S Briongos, C Soriente
US Patent 11,775,360, 2023
Clone application detection mechanism for securing trusted execution environments against a malicious operating system
GK Samira Briongos, Claudio Soriente
US Patent Patent App. 17/336,395, 2022
Quantum chaos and the spectrum of factoring
JL Rosales, S Briongos, V Martín
Advanced Quantum Technologies 4 (3), 2000086, 2021
Microarchitectural Isolation Guarantees Through Execution Based Signatures
S Briongos, P Malagón, JM Moya, T Eisenbarth
2020 XXXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 1-6, 2020
CACHE SNIPER: Accurate timing control of cache evictions
S Briongos, I Bruhns, P Malagón, T Eisenbarth, JM Moya
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.12188, 2020
Analysis and design of microarchitectural side-channel attacks and countermeasures
S Briongos Herrero
Telecomunicacion, 2019
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Articles 1–20