Jaroslav Klapste
Jaroslav Klapste
Tree Breeding Australia
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Cited by
Geographical and environmental gradients shape phenotypic trait variation and genetic structure in Populus trichocarpa
AD McKown, RD Guy, J Klápště, A Geraldes, M Friedmann, QCB Cronk, ...
New Phytologist 201 (4), 1263-1276, 2014
Genome‐wide association implicates numerous genes underlying ecological trait variation in natural populations of Populus trichocarpa
AD McKown, J Klápště, RD Guy, A Geraldes, I Porth, J Hannemann, ...
New Phytologist 203 (2), 535-553, 2014
Genome‐wide association mapping for wood characteristics in Populus identifies an array of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms
I Porth, J Klapšte, O Skyba, J Hannemann, AD McKown, RD Guy, ...
New Phytologist 200 (3), 710-726, 2013
Association genetics, geography and ecophysiology link stomatal patterning in Populus trichocarpa with carbon gain and disease resistance trade‐offs
AD McKown, RD Guy, L Quamme, J Klápště, J La Mantia, CP Constabel, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (23), 5771-5790, 2014
High-resolution genetic mapping of allelic variants associated with cell wall chemistry in Populus
W Muchero, J Guo, SP DiFazio, JG Chen, P Ranjan, GT Slavov, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-14, 2015
Populus trichocarpa cell wall chemistry and ultrastructure trait variation, genetic control and genetic correlations
I Porth, J Klápště, O Skyba, BSK Lai, A Geraldes, W Muchero, GA Tuskan, ...
New Phytologist 197 (3), 777-790, 2013
A 34K SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa: Design, application to the study of natural populations and transferability to other Populus species
A Geraldes, SP Difazio, GT Slavov, P Ranjan, W Muchero, J Hannemann, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (2), 306-323, 2013
Breeding without breeding: is a complete pedigree necessary for efficient breeding?
YA El-Kassaby, EP Cappa, C Liewlaksaneeyanawin, J Klápště, ...
PLoS One 6 (10), e25737, 2011
A comparison of genomic selection models across time in interior spruce (Picea engelmannii× glauca) using unordered SNP imputation methods
B Ratcliffe, OG El-Dien, J Klápště, I Porth, C Chen, B Jaquish, ...
Heredity 115 (6), 547-555, 2015
Prediction accuracies for growth and wood attributes of interior spruce in space using genotyping-by-sequencing
O Gamal El-Dien, B Ratcliffe, J Klápště, C Chen, I Porth, YA El-Kassaby
BMC genomics 16, 1-16, 2015
Implementation of the realized genomic relationship matrix to open-pollinated white spruce family testing for disentangling additive from nonadditive genetic effects
O Gamal El-Dien, B Ratcliffe, J Klápště, I Porth, C Chen, YA El-Kassaby
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 6 (3), 743-753, 2016
Efficiency of genomic prediction across two Eucalyptus nitens seed orchards with different selection histories
M Suontama, J Klápště, E Telfer, N Graham, T Stovold, C Low, ...
Heredity 122 (3), 370-379, 2019
Genomic prediction accuracies in space and time for height and wood density of Douglas-fir using exome capture as the genotyping platform
FR Thistlethwaite, B Ratcliffe, J Klápště, I Porth, C Chen, MU Stoehr, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-16, 2017
Sexual homomorphism in dioecious trees: extensive tests fail to detect sexual dimorphism in Populus
AD McKown, J Klápště, RD Guy, RY Soolanayakanahally, J La Mantia, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1831, 2017
Evolutionary potential in the Alpine: trait heritabilities and performance variation of the dwarf willow Salix herbacea from different elevations and microhabitats
J Sedlacek, AJ Cortés, J Wheeler, O Bossdorf, G Hoch, J Klápště, C Lexer, ...
Ecology and evolution 6 (12), 3940-3952, 2016
Single-Step BLUP with Varying Genotyping Effort in Open-Pollinated Picea glauca
B Ratcliffe, OG El-Dien, EP Cappa, I Porth, J Klápště, C Chen, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7 (3), 935-942, 2017
Optimization of combined genetic gain and diversity for collection and deployment of seed orchard crops
T Funda, M Lstibůrek, P Lachout, J Klápště, YA El-Kassaby
Tree Genetics & Genomes 5, 583-593, 2009
Ecological genomics of variation in bud‐break phenology and mechanisms of response to climate warming in Populus trichocarpa
AD McKown, J Klápště, RD Guy, YA El‐Kassaby, SD Mansfield
New Phytologist 220 (1), 300-316, 2018
Improving accuracy of breeding values by incorporating genomic information in spatial-competition mixed models
EP Cappa, YA El-Kassaby, F Muñoz, MN Garcia, PV Villalba, J Klápště, ...
Molecular Breeding 37, 1-13, 2017
Network analysis reveals the relationship among wood properties, gene expression levels and genotypes of natural Populus trichocarpa accessions
I Porth, J Klápště, O Skyba, MC Friedmann, J Hannemann, J Ehlting, ...
New Phytologist 200 (3), 727-742, 2013
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Articles 1–20