Luca Ferrarini
Luca Ferrarini
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Temperature control of a commercial building with model predictive control techniques
G Mantovani, L Ferrarini
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 62 (4), 2651-2660, 2014
Implementation approaches for the execution model of IEC 61499 applications
L Ferrarini, C Veber
2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2004. INDIN'04 …, 2004
Usability and Interoperability of IEC 61499 based distributed automation systems
C Sunder, A Zoitl, JH Christensen, V Vyatkin, RW Brennan, A Valentini, ...
2006 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 31-37, 2006
An incremental approach to logic controller design with Petri nets
L Ferrarini
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 22 (3), 461-473, 1992
Enumeration algorithms for minimal siphons in Petri nets based on place constraints
R Cordone, L Ferrarini, L Piroddi
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2005
Suitability analysis of modeling and assessment approaches in energy efficiency in buildings
C Koulamas, AP Kalogeras, R Pacheco-Torres, J Casillas, L Ferrarini
Energy and buildings 158, 1662-1682, 2018
Object-oriented models for advanced automation engineering
C Maffezzoni, L Ferrarini, E Carpanzano
Control Engineering Practice 7 (8), 957-968, 1999
A new approach to modular liveness analysis conceived for large logic controllers' design
L Ferrarini, M Narduzzi, M Tassan-Solet
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 10 (2), 169-184, 1994
Control architecture for reconfigurable manufacturing systems: The PABADIS'PROMISE approach
L Ferrarini, C Veber, A Luder, J Peschke, A Kalogeras, J Gialelis, J Rode, ...
2006 IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation, 545-552, 2006
On the reachability and reversibility problems in a class of Petri nets
L Ferrarini
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 24 (10), 1474-1482, 1994
MPC approaches for modulating air-to-water heat pumps in radiant-floor buildings
S Rastegarpour, S Gros, L Ferrarini
Control Engineering Practice 95, 104209, 2020
A hierarchical distributed predictive control approach for microgrids energy management
A Dao, LA, Dehghani-Pilehvarani, A Markou, L Ferrarini
Sustainable Cities and Society 48, 101536, 2019
A resource decoupling approach for deadlock prevention in FMS
L Piroddi, M Cossalter, L Ferrarini
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 40, 157-170, 2009
Preventing thermal overloads in transmission circuits via model predictive control
JSA Carneiro, L Ferrarini
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 18 (6), 1406-1412, 2010
A research roadmap for model-driven design of embedded systems for automation components
T Strasser, M Rooker, I Hegny, M Wenger, A Zoitl, L Ferrarini, A Dede, ...
2009 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 564-569, 2009
Alternatives for execution semantics of IEC61499
V Vyatkin, V Dubinin, C Veber, L Ferrarini
2007 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2, 1151-1156, 2007
Web based methodology for engineering and maintenance of distributed control systems: the TORERO approach
C Schwab, M Tangermann, L Ferrarini
INDIN'05. 2005 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics …, 2005
Mapping of IEC 61499 function blocks to automation protocols within the TORERO approach
C Schwab, M Tangermann, A Luder, A Kalogeras, L Ferrarini
2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2004. INDIN'04 …, 2004
A structured methodology for the design and implementation of control and supervision systems for robotic applications
L Ferrarini, E Carpanzano
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 10 (2), 272-279, 2002
Experimental validation of energy resources integration in microgrids via distributed predictive control
G Mantovani, GT Costanzo, M Marinelli, L Ferrarini
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 29 (4), 1018-1025, 2014
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Articles 1–20