Kyoji Fukao (深尾京司)
Kyoji Fukao (深尾京司)
Professor of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
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Vertical intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia
K Fukao, H Ishido, K Ito
Journal of the Japanese and international economies 17 (4), 468-506, 2003
Backward vertical linkages of foreign manufacturing affiliates: Evidence from Japanese multinationals
R Belderbos, G Capannelli, K Fukao
World development 29 (1), 189-208, 2001
Intangible investment in Japan: Measurement and contribution to economic growth
K Fukao, T Miyagawa, K Mukai, Y Shinoda, K Tonogi
Review of Income and Wealth 55 (3), 717-736, 2009
Why did Japan’s TFP growth slow down in the lost decade? An empirical analysis based on firm-level data of manufacturing firms
K Fukao, HU Kwon
The Japanese Economic Review 57, 195-228, 2006
An econometric analysis of trade diversion under NAFTA
K Fukao, T Okubo, RM Stern
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 14 (1), 3-24, 2003
Aid proliferation and economic growth: A cross-country analysis
H Kimura, Y Mori, Y Sawada
World Development 40 (1), 1-10, 2012
Reciprocal delegated monitoring in the Japanese main bank system
P Sheard
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 8 (1), 1-21, 1994
Expansion abroad and jobs at home: Evidence from Japanese multinational enterprises
N Yamashita, K Fukao
Japan and the World Economy 22 (2), 88-97, 2010
History versus expectations: a comment
K Fukao, R Benabou
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 108 (2), 535-542, 1993
Outsourcing in East Asia and its impact on the Japanese and Korean Labour Markets
S Ahn, K Fukao, K Ito
OECD, 2008
Japan and the great divergence, 730–1874
JP Bassino, S Broadberry, K Fukao, B Gupta, M Takashima
Explorations in Economic History 72, 1-22, 2019
Estimation Procedure and TFP Analysis of the JIP Database 2006 (revised)
K Fukao, S Hamagata, T Inui, K Ito, HU Kwon, T Makino, T Miyagawa, ...
RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 2007
Cross-border acquisitions and target firms' performance: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data
K Fukao, K Ito, HU Kwon, M Takizawa
International financial issues in the Pacific Rim: Global imbalances …, 2008
Sectoral Productivity and Economic Growth in Japan: 1970-98
K Fukao, T Inui, H Kawai, T Miyagawa
Economic Analysis 170, 2003
Do out-in M&As bring higher TFP to Japan? An empirical analysis based on micro-data on Japanese manufacturing firms
K Fukao, K Ito, HU Kwon
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 19 (2), 272-301, 2005
Regional inequality and industrial structure in Japan: 1874-2008
K Fukao, JP Bassino, T Makino, R Paprzycki, T Settsu, M Takashima, ...
Maruzen publishing, 2015
Explaining J apan's Unproductive Two Decades
K Fukao
Asian Economic Policy Review 8 (2), 193-213, 2013
Foreign direct investment in Japan: multinationals' role in growth and globalization
R Paprzycki, K Fukao
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Real GDP in pre‐war East Asia: A 1934–36 benchmark purchasing power parity comparison with the US
K Fukao, D Ma, T Yuan
Review of Income and Wealth 53 (3), 503-537, 2007
深尾京司, 宮川努, 安田武彦
東京大学出版会, 2008
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Articles 1–20