Jesse Owen
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Cited by
Cultural humility: measuring openness to culturally diverse clients.
JN Hook, DE Davis, J Owen, EL Worthington Jr, SO Utsey
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (3), 353, 2013
“Hooking up” among college students: Demographic and psychosocial correlates
JJ Owen, GK Rhoades, SM Stanley, FD Fincham
Archives of sexual behavior 39, 653-663, 2010
Client perceptions of therapists’ multicultural orientation: Cultural (missed) opportunities and cultural humility.
J Owen, KW Tao, JM Drinane, J Hook, DE Davis, NF Kune
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 47 (1), 30, 2016
Clients' perceptions of their psychotherapists' multicultural orientation.
JJ Owen, K Tao, MM Leach, E Rodolfa
Psychotherapy 48 (3), 274, 2011
The multicultural orientation framework: A narrative review.
DE Davis, C DeBlaere, J Owen, JN Hook, DP Rivera, E Choe, ...
Psychotherapy 55 (1), 89, 2018
Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy.
J Owen, KW Tao, ZE Imel, BE Wampold, E Rodolfa
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 45 (4), 283, 2014
Cultural humility: A therapeutic framework for engaging diverse clients.
DK Mosher, JN Hook, LE Captari, DE Davis, C DeBlaere, J Owen
Practice Innovations 2 (4), 221, 2017
Cultural humility: Engaging diverse identities in therapy.
JN Hook, D Davis, J Owen, C DeBlaere
American Psychological Association, 2017
Young adults’ emotional reactions after hooking up encounters
J Owen, FD Fincham
Archives of sexual behavior 40, 321-330, 2011
A meta-analysis of multicultural competencies and psychotherapy process and outcome.
KW Tao, J Owen, BT Pace, ZE Imel
Journal of counseling psychology 62 (3), 337, 2015
Treatment adherence: the importance of therapist flexibility in relation to therapy outcomes.
J Owen, MJ Hilsenroth
Journal of counseling psychology 61 (2), 280, 2014
Short-term prospective study of hooking up among college students
J Owen, FD Fincham, J Moore
Archives of sexual behavior 40, 331-341, 2011
Microaggressions and perceptions of cultural humility in counseling
DE Davis, C DeBlaere, K Brubaker, J Owen, TA Jordan, JN Hook, ...
Journal of Counseling & Development 94 (4), 483-493, 2016
Therapeutic alliance, empathy, and genuineness in individual adult psychotherapy: A meta-analytic review
JB Nienhuis, J Owen, JC Valentine, S Winkeljohn Black, TC Halford, ...
Psychotherapy Research 28 (4), 593-605, 2018
Cultural ruptures in short-term therapy: Working alliance as a mediator between clients' perceptions of microaggressions and therapy outcomes
J Owen, Z Imel, KW Tao, B Wampold, A Smith, E Rodolfa
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 11 (3), 204-212, 2011
Cultural humility in psychotherapy supervision
JN Hook, CE Watkins Jr, DE Davis, J Owen, DR Van Tongeren, ...
American Journal of Psychotherapy 70 (2), 149-166, 2016
Effects of gender and psychosocial factors on “friends with benefits” relationships among young adults
J Owen, FD Fincham
Archives of sexual behavior 40, 311-320, 2011
Computer-assisted cognitive-behavior therapy for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JH Wright, JJ Owen, D Richards, TD Eells, T Richardson, GK Brown, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 80 (2), 3573, 2019
Early career perspectives on psychotherapy research and practice: psychotherapist effects, multicultural orientation, and couple interventions.
J Owen
Psychotherapy 50 (4), 496, 2013
The alliance in couple therapy: Partner influence, early change, and alliance patterns in a naturalistic sample.
MG Anker, J Owen, BL Duncan, JA Sparks
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 78 (5), 635, 2010
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