Jorge A. Alvarez
Cited by
Cited by
Firms and the decline in earnings inequality in Brazil
J Alvarez, F Benguria, N Engbom, C Moser
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 10 (1), 149-189, 2018
Economic gains from gender inclusion: New mechanisms, new evidence
MJD Ostry, J Alvarez, MRA Espinoza, MC Papageorgiou
International Monetary Fund, 2018
The Agricultural Wage Gap: Evidence from Brazilian Micro-Data
JA Alvarez
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (1), 153-73, 2017
Made in Mexico: Energy reform and manufacturing growth
J Alvarez, F Valencia
Energy Economics 55, 253-265, 2016
Wage–price spirals: what is the historical evidence?
J Alvarez, JC Bluedorn, NJ Hansen, Y Huang, E Pugacheva, A Sollaci
Economica 91 (364), 1291-1319, 2024
Managing capital inflows: What tools to use? IMF staff discussion note
JD Ostry, AR Ghosh, K Habermeier, L Laeven, M Chamon, MS Qureshi, ...
SDN/11/06, April 5, 2011
COVID-19 and the Informality-driven Recovery: The case of Colombia's Labor Market
J Alvarez, C Pizzinelli
International Monetary Fund, 2021
Informality and aggregate productivity: The case of Mexico
JA Alvarez, C Ruane
European Economic Review 167, 104791, 2024
Internal trade in Canada: case for liberalization
J Alvarez, MI Krznar, T Tombe
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Regional spillovers from the Venezuelan crisis: Migration flows and their impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
J Alvarez, MM Arena, A Brousseau, MH Faruqee, EWF Corugedo, ...
International Monetary Fund, 2022
Geoeconomic Fragmentation and Commodity Markets
JA Alvarez, MB Andaloussi, C Maggi, A Sollaci, M Stuermer, P Topalova
International Monetary Fund, 2023
América Latina enfrenta un crecimiento más lento e inflación alta en medio de tensiones sociales
G Adler, N Chalk, A Ivanova
IMF Blog, 2023
How costly will reining in inflation be? It depends on how rational we are
J Alvarez, MJA Alvarez, A Dizioli
International Monetary Fund, 2023
Crop selection and international differences in aggregate agricultural productivity
J Alvarez, C Berg
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Wage dynamics post–COVID-19 and wage-price spiral risks
S Albrizio, J Alvarez, A Sollaci, J Bluedorn, A Dizioli, N Hansen, ...
World economic outlook: Countering the costof-living crisis, 2022
Grading happiness: What grading systems tell us about cross-country wellbeing comparisons
F Márquez-Padilla, J Álvarez
Economics Bulletin 38 (2), 1138-1155, 2018
Structural transformation and the rise in female labor force participation across the world
J Alvarez
Available at SSRN 4257446, 2022
Dependencia de las materias primas en América Latina:¿ Qué pasaría si el auge se convirtiera en una caída
G Adler, S Sosa
FMI. Diálogo a Fondo. Washington, 2011
Structural Transformation and the Agricultural Wage Gap
J Alvarez
International Monetary Fund, 2017
The State and China’s Productivity Deceleration: Firm-level Evidence
J Alvarez, T Chen, G Li
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Articles 1–20