Ai Ni Teoh
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Cited by
Boredom affects sleep quality: The serial mediation effect of inattention and bedtime procrastination
AN Teoh, EYE Ooi, AY Chan
Personality and Individual Differences 171, 110460, 2021
Social support as a comfort or an encouragement: A systematic review on the contrasting effects of social support on cardiovascular reactivity
AN Teoh, C Hilmert
British Journal of Health Psychology 23 (4), 1040-1065, 2018
Major flood related strains and pregnancy outcomes.
CJ Hilmert, L Kvasnicka-Gates, AN Teoh, K Bresin, S Fiebiger
Health Psychology 35 (11), 1189, 2016
The Comparison Between Active and Passive Types of Social Support: The Emotional Responses1
AN Teoh, MSC Chia, V Mohanraj
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 14 (2), 90-102, 2009
Real-time stress detection model and voice analysis: An Integrated VR-based game for Training public speaking skills
R Dillon, AN Teoh
2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 1-4, 2021
Mindfulness is associated with better sleep quality in young adults by reducing boredom and bedtime procrastination
AN Teoh, JWK Wong
Behavioral Sleep Medicine 21 (1), 61-71, 2023
Effort and negative affect interact to predict cardiovascular responses to stress
CJ Hilmert, AN Teoh, MM Roy
Psychology & health 29 (1), 64-80, 2014
Is Malaysia ready for sustainable energy? Exploring the attitudes toward solar energy and energy behaviors in Malaysia
AN Teoh, YI Go, TC Yap
World 1 (2), 90-103, 2020
Gender as moderator of the effects of online social support from friends and strangers: A study of Singaporean college students
AN Teoh, LX Chong, CCE Yip, PSH Lee, JWK Wong
International Perspectives in Psychology 4 (4), 254-266, 2015
Automated method for diagnosing speech and language dysfunction in schizophrenia
AD Tilaka, J Diederich, I Song, AN Teoh
Mental Health Informatics, 201-215, 2014
The manipulation of synchronous internet-based online social support in a laboratory setting
LX Chong, AN Teoh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 5, 1511-1515, 2010
FOMO Predicts Bedtime Procrastination and Poorer Sleep Quality via Rumination
JGS Flores, VA Li-Min Ho, SAL Kok, AN Teoh
American Journal of Health Behavior 47 (6), 142-151, 2023
Psychosocial implications of large-scale implementations of solar power in Malaysia
AN Teoh, YI Go, TC Yap
Technologies 8 (2), 26, 2020
Developing gaming instinctual motivation scale (GIMS): item development and pre-testing
AN Teoh, D Kaur, R Dillon, D Hristova
Game user experience and player-centered design, 163-182, 2020
Dual effects of social support on cardiovascular reactivity: Social support as a comfort and an encouragement
AN Teoh
North Dakota State University, 2015
Emotional responses to social support among Singaporean Chinese: The moderating effect of anger-control
AN Teoh, MSC Chia, M Virasamy
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 5, 1056-1060, 2010
Teacher bullying: the case of Singapore
NWK Seet, NJ Caltabiano, AN Teoh, JHL Lo
Educational Review 75 (7), 1446-1463, 2023
Unavoidable Stressful Client Situations: Sources of Social Support on Clinical Psychologists’ and Counsellors’ Psychological Well-Being
YT Yip, AN Teoh, PK Low
Journal of Concurrent Disorders 5 (1-Supplemental), 5, 2023
Humility and Competence: Which Attribute Affects Social Relationships at Work?
AN Teoh, L Kriwangko
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (10), 5969, 2022
Does Social Monitoring Reduce Procrastination? Findings from a Five-Day Study
AN Teoh, GK Chonu, V Lugiman, M Chailis
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–20