Andre Coy
Cited by
Cited by
Improving the estimation of fractional vegetation cover from UAV RGB imagery by colour unmixing
G Yan, L Li, A Coy, X Mu, S Chen, D Xie, W Zhang, Q Shen, H Zhou
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 158, 23-34, 2019
Exploiting correlogram structure for robust speech recognition with multiple speech sources
N Ma, P Green, J Barker, A Coy
Speech Communication 49 (12), 874-891, 2007
Speech fragment decoding techniques for simultaneous speaker identification and speech recognition
J Barker, N Ma, A Coy, M Cooke
Computer Speech & Language 24 (1), 94-111, 2010
Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation from Digital Photographs
A Coy, D Rankine, M Taylor, DC Nielsen, J Cohen
Remote Sensing 8 (7), 474, 2016
Recent advances in speech fragment decoding techniques
J Barker, A Coy, N Ma, M Cooke
Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2006
Parameterizing the FAO AquaCrop Model for Rainfed and Irrigated Field‐Grown Sweet Potato
DR Rankine, JE Cohen, MA Taylor, AD Coy, LA Simpson, T Stephenson, ...
Agronomy Journal 107 (1), 375-387, 2015
An automatic speech recognition system based on the scene analysis account of auditory perception
A Coy, J Barker
Speech Communication 49 (5), 384-401, 2007
Challenges in developing a voice input voice output communication aid for people with severe dysarthria
MS Hawley, SP Cunningham, F Cardinaux, A Coy, S Seghal, P Enderby
Challenges for Assistive Technology, 363-367, 2007
An Innovative Speech-based User Interface for Smarthomes and IoT Solutions to help People with Speech and Motor Disabilities
P Cudd, L de Witte
Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives 242, 306, 2017
Subword-based spoken term detection in audio course lectures
R Rose, A Norouzian, A Reddy, A Coy, V Gupta, M Karafiat
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Exploiting dendritic autocorrelogram structure to identify spectro-temporal regions dominated by a single sound source.
N Ma, PD Green, A Coy
Recognising speech in the presence of a competing speaker using a'speech fragment decoder'
A Coy, J Barker
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
CloudCAST-Remote Speech Technology for Speech Professionals.
PD Green, R Marxer, SP Cunningham, H Christensen, F Rudzicz, ...
INTERSPEECH, 1608-1612, 2016
A multipitch tracker for monaural speech segmentation.
A Coy, J Barker
Soft harmonic masks for recognising speech in the presence of a competing speaker.
A Coy, J Barker
INTERSPEECH, 2641-2644, 2005
Remote speech technology for speech professionals-the CloudCAST initiative
P Green, R Marxer, S Cunningham, H Christensen, F Rudzicz, ...
Proceedings of SLPAT 2015: 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing …, 2015
JAMLIT: A Corpus of Jamaican Standard English for Automatic Speech Recognition of Children's Speech.
S Watson, A Coy
SLTU, 243-247, 2018
Cloud-based speech technology for assistive technology applications (CloudCAST)
S Cunningham, P Green, H Christensen, JJ Atria, A Coy, M Malavasi, ...
Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives, 322-329, 2017
Inclusive Deaf Education Enabled by Artificial Intelligence: The Path to a Solution
A Coy, PS Mohammed, P Skerrit
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1-39, 2024
Acoustic similarity of inner and outer circle varieties of child-produced English vowels
A Coy, S Watson
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (3), 722-737, 2020
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Articles 1–20