Rafael M. Fernandes
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What drives nematic order in iron-based superconductors?
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov, J Schmalian
Nature physics 10 (2), 97-104, 2014
Anomalous suppression of the orthorhombic lattice distortion in superconducting Ba (Fe 1-x Co x) 2 As 2 single crystals
S Nandi, MG Kim, A Kreyssig, RM Fernandes, DK Pratt, A Thaler, N Ni, ...
Physical review letters 104 (5), 057006, 2010
Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov, J Knolle, I Eremin, J Schmalian
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (2), 024534, 2012
Nematicity and competing orders in superconducting magic-angle graphene
Y Cao, D Rodan-Legrain, JM Park, NFQ Yuan, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Science 372 (6539), 264-271, 2021
Effects of nematic fluctuations on the elastic properties of iron arsenide superconductors
RM Fernandes, LH VanBebber, S Bhattacharya, P Chandra, V Keppens, ...
Physical review letters 105 (15), 157003, 2010
Evidence for a Lifshitz transition in electron-doped iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity
C Liu, T Kondo, RM Fernandes, AD Palczewski, ED Mun, N Ni, AN Thaler, ...
Nature Physics 6 (6), 419-423, 2010
Effect of magnetic frustration on nematicity and superconductivity in iron chalcogenides
JK Glasbrenner, II Mazin, HO Jeschke, PJ Hirschfeld, RM Fernandes, ...
Nature Physics 11 (11), 953-958, 2015
Competing order and nature of the pairing state in the iron pnictides
RM Fernandes, J Schmalian
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (1), 014521, 2010
Unconventional pairing in the iron arsenide superconductors
RM Fernandes, DK Pratt, W Tian, J Zarestky, A Kreyssig, S Nandi, MG Kim, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 140501, 2010
Intertwined vestigial order in quantum materials: nematicity and beyond
RM Fernandes, PP Orth, J Schmalian
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 10, 133-154, 2019
Observation of Incipient Charge Nematicity in
Y Gallais, RM Fernandes, I Paul, L Chauvière, YX Yang, MA Méasson, ...
Physical review letters 111 (26), 267001, 2013
Character of the structural and magnetic phase transitions in the parent and electron-doped BaFeAs compounds
MG Kim, RM Fernandes, A Kreyssig, JW Kim, A Thaler, SL Bud’ko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (13), 134522, 2011
Visualization of electron nematicity and unidirectional antiferroic fluctuations at high temperatures in NaFeAs
EP Rosenthal, EF Andrade, CJ Arguello, RM Fernandes, LY Xing, ...
Nature Physics 10 (3), 225-232, 2014
Magnetism, Superconductivity, and Spontaneous Orbital Order in Iron-Based Superconductors: Which Comes First and Why?
AV Chubukov, M Khodas, RM Fernandes
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041045, 2016
Manifestations of nematic degrees of freedom in the magnetic, elastic, and superconducting properties of the iron pnictides
RM Fernandes, J Schmalian
Superconductor Science and Technology 25 (8), 084005, 2012
Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity
RM Fernandes, AI Coldea, H Ding, IR Fisher, PJ Hirschfeld, G Kotliar
Nature 601 (7891), 35-44, 2022
Visualizing the charge density wave transition in 2 H-NbSe 2 in real space
CJ Arguello, SP Chockalingam, EP Rosenthal, L Zhao, C Gutiérrez, ...
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235115, 2014
Correlations and electronic order in a two-orbital honeycomb lattice model for twisted bilayer graphene
JWF Venderbos, RM Fernandes
Physical Review B 98 (24), 245103, 2018
Low-energy microscopic models for iron-based superconductors: a review
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (1), 014503, 2016
Superconductivity in dilute SrTiO3: a review
MN Gastiasoro, J Ruhman, RM Fernandes
Annals of Physics 417, 168107, 2020
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Articles 1–20