James B. Hale
James B. Hale
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School neuropsychology: A practitioner's handbook
JB Hale, CA Fiorello
Guilford Publications, 2017
Critical issues in response-to-intervention, comprehensive evaluation, and specific learning disabilities identification and intervention: An expert white paper consensus
J Hale, V Alfonso, V Berninger, B Bracken, C Christo, E Clark, M Cohen, ...
Learning Disability Quarterly 33 (3), 223-236, 2010
Implementation of IDEA: Integrating response to intervention and cognitive assessment methods
JB Hale, A Kaufman, JA Naglieri, KA Kavale
Psychology in the Schools 43 (7), 753-770, 2006
Analyzing digit span components for assessment of attention processes
JB Hale, JAB Hoeppner, CA Fiorello
Journal of psychoeducational assessment 20 (2), 128-143, 2002
Cognitive hypothesis testing and response to intervention for children with reading problems
CA Fiorello, JB Hale, LE Snyder
Psychology in the Schools 43 (8), 835-853, 2006
WISC-III predictors of academic achievement for children with learning disabilities: Are global and factor scores comparable?
JB Hale, CA Fiorello, JA Kavanagh, JAB Hoeppner, RA Gaither
School Psychology Quarterly 16 (1), 31, 2001
Science instruction for the mildly handicapped: Direct instruction versus discovery teaching
M Bay, JR Staver, T Bryan, JB Hale
Journal of research in science teaching 29 (6), 555-570, 1992
Specific learning disability classification in the new Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The danger of good ideas
JB Hale, JA Naglieri, AS Kaufman, KA Kavale
The School Psychologist 58 (1), 6-13, 2004
Interpreting intelligence test results for children with disabilities: Is global intelligence relevant?
CA Fiorello, JB Hale, JA Holdnack, JA Kavanagh, J Terrell, L Long
Applied Neuropsychology 14 (1), 2-12, 2007
Development of the college stress inventory for use with hispanic populations: a confinnatory analytic approach
VS Solberg, JB Hale, P Villarreal, J Kavanagh
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences 15 (4), 490-497, 1993
Executive impairment determines ADHD medication response: implications for academic achievement
JB Hale, LA Reddy, M Semrud-Clikeman, LA Hain, J Whitaker, J Morley, ...
Journal of Learning Disabilities 44 (2), 196-212, 2011
Professional practice issues in the assessment of cognitive functioning for educational applications
SL Decker, JB Hale, DP Flanagan
Psychology in the Schools 50 (3), 300-313, 2013
The Weschler Intelligence Scales.
G Groth-Marnat, RE Gallagher, JB Hale, E Kaplan
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000
WISC-IV clinical assessment and intervention
A Prifitera, DH Saklofske, LG Weiss
Elsevier, 2008
IQ interpretation for children with flat and variable test profiles
CA Fiorello, JB Hale, M McGrath, K Ryan, S Quinn
Learning and Individual Differences 13 (2), 115-125, 2002
Is the demise of IQ interpretation justified? A response to special issue authors
JB Hale, CA Fiorello, JA Kavanagh, JA Holdnack, AM Aloe
Applied Neuropsychology 14 (1), 37-51, 2007
Differential effects of left and right cerebral vascular accidents on language competency
KL Bryan, JB Hale
Journal of the international Neuropsychological Society 7 (6), 655-664, 2001
Predicting math achievement through neuropsychological interpretation of WISC-III variance components
JB Hale, CA Fiorello, M Bertin, R Sherman
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 21 (4), 358-380, 2003
Changing procedures for identifying learning disabilities: The danger of poorly supported ideas
KA Kavale, AS Kaufman, JA Naglieri, JB Hale
The School Psychologist 59 (1), 16-25, 2005
Neuropsychological assessment and intervention for childhood and adolescent disorders
CR Riccio, JR Sullivan, MJ Cohen
Neuropsychological assessment and intervention for childhood and adolescent …, 2010
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