Thomas Fydrich
Thomas Fydrich
Professor of Psychotherapy, Humboldt-University Berlin
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Skid. Strukturiertes klinisches Interview für DSM-IV. Achse I und II. Handanweisung
HU Wittchen, M Zaudig, T Fydrich
Hogrefe, 1997
Efficacy of multidisciplinary pain treatment centers: a meta-analytic review
H Flor, T Fydrich, DC Turk
Pain 49 (2), 221-230, 1992
HU Wittchen
Strukturiertes Klinisches Interview für DSM-IV. Achse I und II/Hogrefe, 1997
Reliability and validity of the Beck Anxiety Inventory
T Fydrich, D Dowdall, DL Chambless
Journal of anxiety disorders 6 (1), 55-61, 1992
SKID II. Strukturiertes Klinisches Interview für DSM-IV, Achse II: Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Interviewheft. Eine deutschspeachige, erw. Bearb. d. amerikanischen Originalversion …
T Fydrich, B Renneberg, B Schmitz, HU Wittchen
Hogrefe, 1997
Fragebogen zur Sozialen Unterstützung: F-SozU; Manual
T Fydrich, G Sommer, E Brähler
Hogrefe, 2007
Psychologische Diagnostik
L Schmidt-Atzert, M Amelang, T Fydrich, H Moosbrugger
Springer, 2012
Lack of empathy in patients with narcissistic personality disorder
K Ritter, I Dziobek, S Preißler, A Rüter, A Vater, T Fydrich, CH Lammers, ...
Psychiatry research 187 (1-2), 241-247, 2011
Fragebogen zur sozialen Unterstützung (F-SozU): Normierung an einer repräsentativen Stichprobe
T Fydrich, M Geyer, A Hessel, G Sommer, E Brähler
Diagnostica 45 (4), 212-216, 1999
Psychological treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia: a randomized controlled trial to examine the role of therapist-guided exposure in situ in CBT.
AT Gloster, HU Wittchen, F Einsle, T Lang, S Helbig-Lang, T Fydrich, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (3), 406, 2011
Dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (DBT-PTSD) compared with cognitive processing therapy (CPT) in complex presentations of PTSD in women survivors …
M Bohus, N Kleindienst, C Hahn, M Müller-Engelmann, P Ludäscher, ...
JAMA psychiatry 77 (12), 1235-1245, 2020
Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV
HU Wittchen, M Zaudig, T Fydrich
Göttingen: Hogrefe, 1997
Behavioral assessment of social performance: A rating system for social phobia
T Fydrich, DL Chambless, KJ Perry, F Buergener, MB Beazley
Behaviour research and therapy 36 (10), 995-1010, 1998
Is salivary alpha-amylase an indicator of autonomic nervous system dysregulations in mental disorders?—A review of preliminary findings and the interactions with cortisol
S Schumacher, C Kirschbaum, T Fydrich, A Ströhle
Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (6), 729-743, 2013
Soziale Unterstützung: Diagnostik, Konzepte, F-SOZU
G Sommer, T Fydrich
na, 1989
Entwicklung und Überprüfung eines Fragebogens zur sozialen Unterstützung (F-SOZU).
G Sommer, T Fydrich
Diagnostica, 1991
Using stressful films to analyze risk factors for PTSD in analogue experimental studies–which film works best?
A Weidmann, A Conradi, K Gröger, L Fehm, T Fydrich
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 22 (5), 549-569, 2009
Shame in patients with narcissistic personality disorder
K Ritter, A Vater, N Rüsch, M Schröder-Abé, A Schütz, T Fydrich, ...
Psychiatry research 215 (2), 429-437, 2014
Covering the tsunami disaster: Subsequent post‐traumatic and depressive symptoms and associated social factors
A Weidmann, L Fehm, T Fydrich
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2008
Emotional availability in mother–child interaction: The effects of maternal depression in remission and additional history of childhood abuse
D Kluczniok, K Boedeker, A Fuchs, C Hindi Attar, T Fydrich, D Fuehrer, ...
Depression and anxiety 33 (7), 648-657, 2016
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Articles 1–20