Margaret R. Metz
Margaret R. Metz
Associate Professor of Biology, Lewis & Clark College
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Changing disturbance regimes, ecological memory, and forest resilience
JF Johnstone, CD Allen, JF Franklin, LE Frelich, BJ Harvey, PE Higuera, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (7), 369-378, 2016
Widespread density‐dependent seedling mortality promotes species coexistence in a highly diverse Amazonian rain forest
MR Metz, WP Sousa, R Valencia
Ecology 91 (12), 3675-3685, 2010
The relationship between wood density and mortality in a global tropical forest data set
NJB Kraft, MR Metz, RS Condit, J Chave
New Phytologist 188 (4), 1124-1136, 2010
Temporal coexistence mechanisms contribute to the latitudinal gradient in forest diversity
J Usinowicz, CH Chang-Yang, YY Chen, JS Clark, C Fletcher, ...
Nature 550 (7674), 105-108, 2017
Interacting disturbances: wildfire severity affected by stage of forest disease invasion
MR Metz, KM Frangioso, RK Meentemeyer, DM Rizzo
Ecological Applications 21 (2), 313-320, 2011
Characterizing interactions between fire and other disturbances and their impacts on tree mortality in western US Forests
JM Kane, JM Varner, MR Metz, PJ van Mantgem
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 188-199, 2017
Insect herbivores, chemical innovation, and the evolution of habitat specialization in Amazonian trees
PVA Fine, MR Metz, J Lokvam, I Mesones, JMA ZUNiga, GPA Lamarre, ...
Ecology 94 (8), 1764-1775, 2013
Habitat specialization by birds in western Amazonian white‐sand forests
JÁ Alonso, MR Metz, PVA Fine
Biotropica 45 (3), 365-372, 2013
Unexpected redwood mortality from synergies between wildfire and an emerging infectious disease
MR Metz, JM Varner, KM Frangioso, RK Meentemeyer, DM Rizzo
Ecology 94 (10), 2152-2159, 2013
Does habitat specialization by seedlings contribute to the high diversity of a lowland rain forest?
MR Metz
Journal of Ecology 100 (4), 969-979, 2012
Temporal and spatial variability in seedling dynamics: a cross-site comparison in four lowland tropical forests
MR Metz, LS Comita, YY Chen, N Norden, R Condit, SP Hubbell, IF Sun, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 (1), 9-18, 2008
An emergent disease causes directional changes in forest species composition in coastal California.
MR Metz, KM Frangioso, AC Wickland, RK Meentemeyer, DM Rizzo
Ecosphere 3 (10), 2012
Tree diseases as a cause and consequence of interacting forest disturbances
RC Cobb, MR Metz
Forests 8 (5), 147, 2017
Demographic consequences of chromatic leaf defence in tropical tree communities: do red young leaves increase growth and survival?
SA Queenborough, MR Metz, R Valencia, SJ Wright
Annals of Botany 112 (4), 677-684, 2013
Object-based assessment of burn severity in diseased forests using high-spatial and high-spectral resolution MASTER airborne imagery
G Chen, MR Metz, DM Rizzo, WW Dillon, RK Meentemeyer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 102, 38-47, 2015
Novel disturbance interactions between fire and an emerging disease impact survival and growth of resprouting trees
AB Simler, MR Metz, KM Frangioso, RK Meentemeyer, DM Rizzo
Ecology 99 (10), 2217-2229, 2018
The key host for an invasive forest pathogen also facilitates the pathogen's survival of wildfire in California forests
MM Beh, MR Metz, KM Frangioso, DM Rizzo
New Phytologist 196 (4), 1145-1154, 2012
Mapping burn severity in a disease-impacted forest landscape using Landsat and MASTER imagery
G Chen, MR Metz, DM Rizzo, RK Meentemeyer
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 40, 91-99, 2015
Wildfire alters the disturbance impacts of an emerging forest disease via changes to host occurrence and demographic structure
AB Simler‐Williamson, MR Metz, KM Frangioso, DM Rizzo
Journal of Ecology 109 (2), 676-691, 2021
Exploring the links between secondary metabolites and leaf spectral reflectance in a diverse genus of Amazonian trees
PVA Fine, D Salazar, RE Martin, MR Metz, TM Misiewicz, GP Asner
Ecosphere 12 (2), e03362, 2021
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Articles 1–20