Simon Maccracken Stump
Simon Maccracken Stump
Yale University, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
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Chesson's coexistence theory
G Barabás, R D'Andrea, SM Stump
Ecological monographs 88 (3), 277-303, 2018
Soilborne fungi have host affinity and host-specific effects on seed germination and survival in a lowland tropical forest
C Sarmiento, PC Zalamea, JW Dalling, AS Davis, SM Stump, JM U’Ren, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (43), 11458-11463, 2017
Evidence of within-species specialization by soil microbes and the implications for plant community diversity
JL Eck, SM Stump, CS Delavaux, SA Mangan, LS Comita
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7371-7376, 2019
Interspecific variation in conspecific negative density dependence can make species less likely to coexist
SM Stump, LS Comita
Ecology Letters 21 (10), 1541-1551, 2018
Local interactions and self-organized spatial patterns stabilize microbial cross-feeding against cheaters
SM Stump, EC Johnson, CA Klausmeier
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15 (140), 20170822, 2018
Distance-responsive predation is not necessary for the Janzen–Connell hypothesis
SM Stump, P Chesson
Theoretical Population Biology 106, 60-70, 2015
How optimally foraging predators promote prey coexistence in a variable environment
SM Stump, P Chesson
Theoretical Population Biology 114, 40-58, 2017
Natural enemies and the maintenance of tropical tree diversity: Recent insights and implications for the future of biodiversity in a changing World1
LS Comita, SM Stump
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 105 (3), 377-392, 2020
Synthesizing the effects of individual‐level variation on coexistence
SM Stump, C Song, S Saavedra, JM Levine, DA Vasseur
Ecological Monographs 92 (1), e01493, 2022
Microbial cross-feeding promotes multiple stable states and species coexistence, but also susceptibility to cheaters
Z Sun, T Koffel, SM Stump, GM Grimaud, CA Klausmeier
Journal of Theoretical Biology 465, 63-77, 2019
Multispecies coexistence without diffuse competition; or, why phylogenetic signal and trait clustering weaken coexistence
SM Stump
The American Naturalist 190 (2), 213-228, 2017
How spatial structure and neighbor uncertainty promote mutualists and weaken black queen effects
SM Stump, EC Johnson, Z Sun, CA Klausmeier
Journal of theoretical biology 446, 33-60, 2018
Differences among species in seed dispersal and conspecific neighbor effects can interact to influence coexistence
SM Stump, LS Comita
Theoretical Ecology 13 (4), 551-581, 2020
Competition and coexistence between a syntrophic consortium and a metabolic generalist, and its effect on productivity
SM Stump, CA Klausmeier
Journal of Theoretical Biology 404, 348-360, 2016
Darwinian dynamics of a juvenile-adult model
JM Cushing, SM Stump
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 10 (4), 1017-1044, 2013
Dispersal limitation and weaker stabilizing mechanisms mediate loss of diversity with edge effects in forest fragments
M Krishnadas, SM Stump
Journal of Ecology 109 (5), 2137-2151, 2021
Resistance genes affect how pathogens maintain plant abundance and diversity
SM Stump, JH Marden, NG Beckman, SA Mangan, LS Comita
The American Naturalist 196 (4), 472-486, 2020
Reexamining the storage effect: Why temporal variation in abiotic factors seems unlikely to cause coexistence
SM Stump, DA Vasseur
Ecological Monographs 93 (4), e1585, 2023
How leaking and overproducing resources affect the evolutionary robustness of cooperative cross-feeding
SM Stump, EC Johnson, CA Klausmeier
Journal of Theoretical Biology 454, 278-291, 2018
Colonization of seeds by soilborne fungi: linking seed dormancy-defense syndromes, evolutionary constraints, and fungal traits
SM Stump, C Sarmiento, PC Zalamea, JW Dalling, AS Davis, JP Shaffer, ...
Seed Endophytes: Biology and Biotechnology, 465-481, 2019
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Articles 1–20