Mario Olivari
Mario Olivari
Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
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Pilot adaptation to different classes of haptic aids in tracking tasks
M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (6), 1741-1753, 2014
An experimental comparison of haptic and automated pilot support systems
M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
AIAA modeling and simulation technologies conference, 0809, 2014
Offline motion simulation framework: Optimizing motion simulator trajectories and parameters
M Katliar, M Olivari, FM Drop, S Nooij, M Diehl, HH Bülthoff
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 29-46, 2019
Multi-loop pilot behavior identification in response to simultaneous visual and haptic stimuli
M Olivari, F Nieuwenhuizen, J Venrooij, H B ülthoff, L Pollini
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 4795, 2012
Transforming civil helicopters into personal aerial vehicles: Modeling, control, and validation
S Geluardi, J Venrooij, M Olivari, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40 (10), 2481-2495, 2017
Evaluation of haptic support system for training purposes in a tracking task
G D'Intino, M Olivari, S Geluardi, J Venrooij, M Innocenti, HH Bülthoff, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Haptic assistance for helicopter control based on pilot intent estimation
G D’Intino, M Olivari, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17 (4), 193-203, 2020
Model predictive motion cueing: Online prediction and washout tuning
F Drop, M Olivari, M Katliar, HH Bülthoff
17th Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition (DSC 2018 …, 2018
Methods for multiloop identification of visual and neuromuscular pilot responses
M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, J Venrooij, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (12), 2780-2791, 2015
Design of a haptic helicopter trainer for inexperienced pilots
D Fabbroni, S Geluardi, CA Gerboni, M Olivari, G D'Intino, L Pollini, ...
73rd American Helicopter Society International Annual Forum (AHS 2017), 2097 …, 2017
Defining the kinematic requirements for a theoretical driving simulator
M Olivari, P Pretto, J Venrooij, HH Bülthoff
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 61, 5-15, 2019
Variable force-stiffness haptic feedback for learning a disturbance rejection task
F Bufalo, M Olivari, S Geluardi, CA Gerboni, L Pollini, HH Bülthoff
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2017
Transfer-of-training: from fixed-and motion-base simulators to a light-weight helicopter
D Fabbroni, F Bufalo, G D'Intino, S Geluardi, CA Gerboni, M Olivari, ...
Annual Forum Proceedings-AHS International 2018, 2018
Identifying time-varying neuromuscular response: Experimental evaluation of a RLS-based algorithm
M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, H Bülthoff, L Pollini
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 0658, 2015
Identifying time-varying neuromuscular system with a recursive least-squares algorithm: a Monte-Carlo simulation study
M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, HH Bülthoff, L Pollini
2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2014
A pilot intent estimator for haptic support systems in helicopter maneuvering tasks
G D'Intino, M Olivari, S Geluardi, D Fabbroni, H Buelthoff, L Pollini
2018 AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 0116, 2018
Quasi-transfer of helicopter training from fixed-to motion-base simulator
D Fabbroni, S Geluardi, CA Gerboni, M Olivari, L Pollini, HH Bülthoff
Development of a 6 dof nonlinear helicopter model for the MPI Cybermotion Simulator
CA Gerboni, S Geluardi, M Olivari, FM Nieuwenhuizen, HH Bülthoff, ...
40th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF 2014), 615-626, 2015
Design, realization and experimental evaluation of a haptic stick for shared control studies
L Pollini, M Razzanelli, M Olivari, A Brandimarti, M Maimeri, P Pazzaglia, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (19), 78-83, 2016
Biodynamic feedthrough: Current status and open issues
J Venrooij, M Olivari, HH Bülthoff
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (19), 120-125, 2016
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Articles 1–20