Design and implementation of a high-fidelity ac metering network X Jiang, S Dawson-Haggerty, P Dutta, D Culler 2009 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks …, 2009 | 419 | 2009 |
Design and evaluation of a versatile and efficient receiver-initiated link layer for low-power wireless P Dutta, S Dawson-Haggerty, Y Chen, CJM Liang, A Terzis Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 1-14, 2010 | 355 | 2010 |
Connecting low-power and lossy networks to the internet JG Ko, A Terzis, S Dawson-Haggerty, DE Culler, JW Hui, P Levis IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (4), 96-101, 2011 | 301 | 2011 |
sMAP: a simple measurement and actuation profile for physical information S Dawson-Haggerty, X Jiang, G Tolle, J Ortiz, D Culler Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on embedded networked sensor systems …, 2010 | 296 | 2010 |
{BOSS}: Building operating system services S Dawson-Haggerty, A Krioukov, J Taneja, S Karandikar, G Fierro, ... 10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2013 | 193 | 2013 |
Evaluating the Performance of RPL and 6LoWPAN in TinyOS JG Ko, S Dawson-Haggerty, O Gnawali, D Culler, A Terzis Workshop on Extending the Internet to Low Power and Lossy Networks (IP+ SN …, 2011 | 174 | 2011 |
Articulatory feature-based methods for acoustic and audio-visual speech recognition: Summary from the 2006 JHU summer workshop K Livescu, O Cetin, M Hasegawa-Johnson, S King, C Bartels, N Borges, ... 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007 | 162 | 2007 |
An information-centric energy infrastructure: The Berkeley view RH Katz, DE Culler, S Sanders, S Alspaugh, Y Chen, S Dawson-Haggerty, ... Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 1 (1), 7-22, 2011 | 158 | 2011 |
Hydro: A hybrid routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks S Dawson-Haggerty, A Tavakoli, D Culler 2010 First IEEE International Conference on smart grid communications, 268-273, 2010 | 148 | 2010 |
Contikirpl and tinyrpl: Happy together J Ko, J Eriksson, N Tsiftes, S Dawson-Haggerty, A Terzis, A Dunkels, ... Workshop on Extending the Internet to Low Power and Lossy Networks (IP+ SN) 570, 2011 | 125 | 2011 |
Industry: Beyond interoperability: Pushing the performance of sensor network ip stacks JG Ko, J Eriksson, N Tsiftes, S Dawson-Haggerty, JP Vasseur, M Durvy, ... Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 1-11, 2011 | 114 | 2011 |
Overview of existing routing protocols for low power and lossy networks P Levis, A Tavakoli, S Dawson-Haggerty Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet-Draft draftietf-roll-protocols …, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
Lance: optimizing high-resolution signal collection in wireless sensor networks G Werner-Allen, S Dawson-Haggerty, M Welsh Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on embedded network sensor systems …, 2008 | 97 | 2008 |
A living laboratory study in personalized automated lighting controls A Krioukov, S Dawson-Haggerty, L Lee, O Rehmane, D Culler Proceedings of the third ACM workshop on embedded sensing systems for energy …, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
A-MAC: A versatile and efficient receiver-initiated link layer for low-power wireless P Dutta, S Dawson-Haggerty, Y Chen, CJM Liang, A Terzis ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (4), 1-29, 2012 | 70 | 2012 |
Methods for detailed energy data collection of miscellaneous and electronic loads in a commercial office building S Lanzisera, S Dawson-Haggerty, HYI Cheung, J Taneja, D Culler, ... Building and Environment 65, 170-177, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Design and evaluation of an energy agile computing cluster A Krioukov, S Alspaugh, P Mohan, S Dawson-Haggerty, DE Culler, ... EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2012-13, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
@ scale: Insights from a large, long-lived appliance energy WSN S Dawson-Haggerty, S Lanzisera, J Taneja, R Brown, D Culler Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing …, 2012 | 58 | 2012 |
Enabling advanced environmental conditioning with a building application stack J Taneja, A Krioukov, S Dawson-Haggerty, D Culler 2013 international green computing conference proceedings, 1-10, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Hbci: Human-building-computer interaction J Hsu, P Mohan, X Jiang, J Ortiz, S Shankar, S Dawson-Haggerty, ... Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy …, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |