Sandra Pankow
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Cited by
∆ F508 CFTR interactome remodelling promotes rescue of cystic fibrosis
S Pankow, C Bamberger, D Calzolari, S Martínez-Bartolomé, ...
Nature 528 (7583), 510-516, 2015
Activin controls skin morphogenesis and wound repair predominantly via stromal cells and in a concentration-dependent manner via keratinocytes
C Bamberger, A Schärer, M Antsiferova, B Tychsen, S Pankow, M Müller, ...
The American journal of pathology 167 (3), 733-747, 2005
The p53 Tumor Suppressor-Like Protein nvp63 Mediates Selective Germ Cell Death in the Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis
S Pankow, C Bamberger
PloS one 2 (9), e782, 2007
ERdj3 is an endoplasmic reticulum degradation factor for mutant glucocerebrosidase variants linked to Gaucher’s disease
YL Tan, JC Genereux, S Pankow, JMFG Aerts, JR Yates, JW Kelly
Chemistry & biology 21 (8), 967-976, 2014
A chaperone trap contributes to the onset of cystic fibrosis
JA Coppinger, DM Hutt, A Razvi, AV Koulov, S Pankow, JR Yates III, ...
PLoS One 7 (5), e37682, 2012
Regulation of epidermal homeostasis and repair by phosphoinositide 3-kinase
S Pankow, C Bamberger, A Klippel, S Werner
Journal of cell science 119 (19), 4033-4046, 2006
Synaptotagmin-11 mediates a vesicle trafficking pathway that is essential for development and synaptic plasticity
M Shimojo, J Madara, S Pankow, X Liu, J Yates, TC Südhof, A Maximov
Genes & development 33 (5-6), 365-376, 2019
Deep interactome profiling of membrane proteins by co-interacting protein identification technology
S Pankow, C Bamberger, D Calzolari, A Bamberger, JR Yates III
Nature protocols 11 (12), 2515-2528, 2016
Regulation of NF-κB activity and keratinocyte differentiation by the RIP4 protein: implications for cutaneous wound repair
S Adams, S Pankow, S Werner, B Munz
Journal of investigative dermatology 127 (3), 538-544, 2007
Protein footprinting via covalent protein painting reveals structural changes of the proteome in Alzheimer’s disease
C Bamberger, S Pankow, S Martínez-Bartolomé, M Ma, J Diedrich, ...
Journal of proteome research 20 (5), 2762-2771, 2021
A posttranslational modification code for CFTR maturation is altered in cystic fibrosis
S Pankow, C Bamberger, JR Yates III
Science signaling 12 (562), eaan7984, 2019
Interference-free proteome quantification with MS/MS-based isobaric isotopologue detection
C Bamberger, S Pankow, SKR Park, JR Yates III
Journal of proteome research 13 (3), 1494-1501, 2014
Understanding molecular mechanisms of disease through spatial proteomics
S Pankow, S Martínez-Bartolomé, C Bamberger, JR Yates
Current opinion in chemical biology 48, 19-25, 2019
Deducing the presence of proteins and proteoforms in quantitative proteomics
C Bamberger, S Martínez-Bartolomé, M Montgomery, S Pankow, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2320, 2018
Expression of amyloidogenic transthyretin drives hepatic proteostasis remodeling in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of systemic amyloid disease
RM Giadone, DC Liberti, TM Matte, JD Rosarda, C Torres-Arancivia, ...
Stem Cell Reports 15 (2), 515-528, 2020
The host interactome of spike expands the tropism of SARS-CoV-2
C Bamberger, S Pankow, S Martínez-Bartolomé, J Diedrich, R Park, ...
bioRxiv, 2021
Characterization of membrane protein interactomes by Co-interacting Protein Identification Technology (CoPIT)
S Pankow, JR Yates, C Bamberger, D Calzolari, A Bamberger
Analysis of the tropism of SARS-CoV-2 based on the host interactome of the spike protein
C Bamberger, S Pankow, S Martínez-Bartolomé, JK Diedrich, RSK Park, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 22 (12), 3742-3753, 2023
Covalent protein painting reveals structural changes in the proteome in alzheimer disease
C Bamberger, S Pankow, S Martínez-Bartolomé, M Ma, J Diedrich, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.01. 31.929117, 2020
SMG1 and CDK12 Link ΔNp63α phosphorylation to RNA surveillance in keratinocytes
C Bamberger, S Pankow, JR Yates III
Journal of proteome research 20 (12), 5347-5358, 2021
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Articles 1–20