Shideh Dashti
Shideh Dashti
Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics, University of Colorado at Boulder
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Mechanisms of seismically induced settlement of buildings with shallow foundations on liquefiable soil
S Dashti, JD Bray, JM Pestana, M Riemer, D Wilson
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 136 (1), 151-164, 2010
Centrifuge testing to evaluate and mitigate liquefaction-induced building settlement mechanisms
S Dashti, JD Bray, JM Pestana, M Riemer, D Wilson
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 136 (7), 918-929, 2010
Site response in a layered liquefiable deposit: evaluation of different numerical tools and methodologies with centrifuge experimental results
J Ramirez, AR Barrero, L Chen, S Dashti, A Ghofrani, M Taiebat, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (10), 04018073, 2018
Liquefaction-induced building movements
JD Bray, S Dashti
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 12, 1129-1156, 2014
Numerical and centrifuge modeling of seismic soil–foundation–structure interaction on liquefiable ground
Z Karimi, S Dashti
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (1), 04015061, 2016
Seismic performance of shallow founded structures on liquefiable ground: validation of numerical simulations using centrifuge experiments
Z Karimi, S Dashti
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (6), 04016011, 2016
Numerical simulation of building response on liquefiable sand
S Dashti, JD Bray
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (8), 1235-1249, 2013
Mobile phones as seismologic sensors: Automating data extraction for the iShake system
J Reilly, S Dashti, M Ervasti, JD Bray, SD Glaser, AM Bayen
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (2), 242-251, 2013
Supporting disaster reconnaissance with social media data: A design-oriented case study of the 2013 Colorado floods.
S Dashti, L Palen, MP Heris, KM Anderson, TJ Anderson, S Anderson
ISCRAM, 2014
Local site effects and incremental damage of buildings during the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence
A Sextos, R De Risi, A Pagliaroli, S Foti, F Passeri, E Ausilio, R Cairo, ...
Earthquake Spectra 34 (4), 1639-1669, 2018
A physics-informed semi-empirical probabilistic model for the settlement of shallow-founded structures on liquefiable ground
Z Bullock, Z Karimi, S Dashti, K Porter, AB Liel, KW Franke
Géotechnique 69 (5), 406-419, 2019
Evaluation of 1-D seismic site response modeling of sand using centrifuge experiments
YMA Hashash, S Dashti, MI Romero, M Ghayoomi, M Musgrove
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 78, 19-31, 2015
Key predictors of structure settlement on liquefiable ground: a numerical parametric study
Z Karimi, S Dashti, Z Bullock, K Porter, A Liel
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 113, 286-308, 2018
Influence of tall buildings on seismic response of shallow underground structures
YMA Hashash, S Dashti, M Musgrove, K Gillis, M Walker, K Ellison, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (12), 04018097, 2018
Centrifuge modeling of mitigation-soil-foundation-structure interaction on liquefiable ground
J Olarte, B Paramasivam, S Dashti, A Liel, J Zannin
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97, 304-323, 2017
A centrifuge study of seismic structure-soil-structure interaction on liquefiable ground and implications for design in dense urban areas
P Kirkwood, S Dashti
Earthquake Spectra 34 (3), 1113-1134, 2018
Influence of dense granular columns on the performance of level and gently sloping liquefiable sites
M Badanagki, S Dashti, P Kirkwood
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (9), 04018065, 2018
Ground motion intensity measures to evaluate I: The liquefaction hazard in the vicinity of shallow-founded structures
S Dashti, Z Karimi
Earthquake Spectra 33 (1), 241-276, 2017
Ground motion intensity measures to evaluate II: The performance of shallow-founded structures on liquefiable ground
Z Karimi, S Dashti
Earthquake spectra 33 (1), 277-298, 2017
Development of dynamic centrifuge models of underground structures near tall buildings
S Dashti, YMA Hashash, K Gillis, M Musgrove, M Walker
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 86, 89-105, 2016
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Articles 1–20