Gafurjan Ibragimov
Gafurjan Ibragimov
Professor (Associate) of Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Optimal pursuit with countably many pursuers and one evader
GI Ibragimov
Differential Equations 41 (5), 627-635, 2005
Evasion from many pursuers in simple motion differential game with integral constraints
GI Ibragimov, M Salimi, M Amini
European Journal of Operational Research 218 (2), 505-511, 2012
A problem of optimal pursuit in systems with distributed parameters
GI Ibragimov
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 66 (5), 719-724, 2002
Multi pursuer differential game of optimal approach with integral constraints on controls of players
G Ibragimov, N Abd Rasid, A Kuchkarov, F Ismail
Evasion differential game of infinitely many evaders from infinitely many pursuers in Hilbert space
IA Alias, G Ibragimov, A Rakhmanov
Dynamic Games and Applications 7, 347-359, 2017
Raccoon optimization algorithm
SZ Koohi, NAWA Hamid, M Othman, G Ibragimov
IEEE Access 7, 5383-5399, 2018
Pursuit‐Evasion Differential Game with Many Inertial Players
GI Ibragimov, M Salimi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2009 (1), 653723, 2009
A game of optimal pursuit of one object by several
GI Ibragimov
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 62 (2), 187-192, 1998
Optimal pursuit time for a differential game in the Hilbert space l2
G Ibragimov
differential equations 6 (8), 9, 2013
A multiplayer pursuit differential game on a closed convex set with integral constraints
G Ibragimov, N Satimov
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2012 (1), 460171, 2012
Pursuit and evasion differential games in Hilbert space
GI Ibragimov, RM Hasim
International Game Theory Review 12 (03), 239-251, 2010
On a fixed duration pursuit differential game with geometric and integral constraints
M Salimi, GI Ibragimov, S Siegmund, S Sharifi
Dynamic Games and Applications 6, 409-425, 2016
The optimal pursuit problem reduced to an infinite system of differential equations
GI Ibragimov
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 77 (5), 470-476, 2013
A pursuit-evasion differential game with many pursuers and one evader
G Ibragimov, NA Hussin
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 4 (2), 183-194, 2010
Solution of a linear pursuit-evasion game with integral constraints
GI Ibragimov, AA Azamov, M Khakestari
ANZIAM Journal 52, E59-E75, 2010
Linear evasion differential game of one evader and several pursuers with integral constraints
G Ibragimov, M Ferrara, M Ruziboev, BA Pansera
International Journal of Game Theory, 1-22, 2021
Simple motion evasion differential game of many pursuers and evaders with integral constraints
G Ibragimov, M Ferrara, A Kuchkarov, BA Pansera
Dynamic Games and Applications 8, 352-378, 2018
A pursuit problem in an infinite system of second-order differential equations
G Ibragimov, F Allahabi, A Kuchkarov
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 65 (8), 1203-1216, 2014
Solute transport in the element of fractured porous medium with an inhomogeneous porous block
B Khuzhayorov, J Mustofoqulov, G Ibragimov, F Md Ali, B Fayziev
Symmetry 12 (6), 1028, 2020
Simple motion evasion differential game of many pursuers and one evader with integral constraints on control functions of players
G Ibragimov, Y Salleh
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012 (1), 748096, 2012
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Articles 1–20