Giorgia Lodi
Giorgia Lodi
Technologist at Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of CNR - STLab (Semantic
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SLA-driven clustering of QoS-aware application servers
G Lodi, F Panzieri, D Rossi, E Turrini
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (3), 186-197, 2007
An innovative, open, interoperable citizen engagement cloud platform for smart government and users’ interaction
D Reforgiato Recupero, M Castronovo, S Consoli, T Costanzo, ...
Journal of the knowledge economy 7, 388-412, 2016
An event-based platform for collaborative threats detection and monitoring
G Lodi, L Aniello, GA Di Luna, R Baldoni
Information Systems 39, 175-195, 2014
Semantic web for cultural heritage valorisation
G Lodi, L Asprino, AG Nuzzolese, V Presutti, A Gangemi, DR Recupero, ...
Data Analytics in Digital Humanities, 3-37, 2017
Inter-domain stealthy port scan detection through complex event processing
L Aniello, G Lodi, R Baldoni
Proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, 67-72, 2011
A collaborative event processing system for protection of critical infrastructures from cyber attacks
L Aniello, GA Di Luna, G Lodi, R Baldoni
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 310-323, 2011
Defending financial infrastructures through early warning systems: the intelligence cloud approach
G Lodi, L Querzoni, R Baldoni, M Marchetti, M Colajanni, V Bortnikov, ...
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information …, 2009
Collaborative financial infrastructure protection: tools, abstractions, and middleware
R Baldoni, G Chockler, DD Lamanna
Springer, 2012
The role of ontology design patterns in linked data projects
V Presutti, G Lodi, A Nuzzolese, A Gangemi, S Peroni, L Asprino
Conceptual Modeling: 35th International Conference, ER 2016, Gifu, Japan …, 2016
Always Best Packet Switching: the Mobile VoIP Case Study.
V Ghini, G Lodi, F Panzieri
J. Commun. 4 (9), 700-713, 2009
Online black-box failure prediction for mission critical distributed systems
R Baldoni, G Lodi, L Montanari, G Mariotta, M Rizzuto
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 31st International Conference …, 2012
Information and communication technologies in public administration: innovations from developed countries
C Reddick, L Anthopoulos
CRC Press, 2015
QoS-aware Clustering of Application Servers
G Lodi, F Panzieri
Proc. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service in Application …, 2004
Publishing Official Classifications in Linked Open Data.
G Lodi, A Maccioni, M Scannapieco, M Scanu, L Tosco
SemStats@ ISWC, 1-12, 2014
FOOD: FOod in open data
S Peroni, G Lodi, L Asprino, A Gangemi, V Presutti
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe …, 2016
Mobile e-witness
V Ghini, G Lodi, F Panzieri
Multimedia Tools and Applications 37, 293-318, 2008
Semantic knowledge graphs for distributed data spaces: The public procurement pilot experience
C Guasch, G Lodi, SV Dooren
International Semantic Web Conference, 753-769, 2022
A Pattern-based Ontology for the Internet of Things.
A Gangemi, R Lillo, G Lodi, AG Nuzzolese, V Presutti
WOP@ ISWC, 2017
Robust Wireless Medium Access for VoWLAN Applications: A cross level QoS Mechanism
V Ghini, G Lodi, F Panzieri
Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Non pubblicato 64, 0
Trust management in monitoring financial critical information infrastructures
G Lodi, R Baldoni, H Elshaafi, BP Mulcahy, G Csertán, L Gönczy
Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems: Second International ICST Conference …, 2010
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Articles 1–20