Marco Terán
Marco Terán
Other namesM. Teran
Samay Health
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Cited by
IoT-based system for indoor location using bluetooth low energy
M Terán, J Aranda, H Carrillo, D Mendez, C Parra
2017 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2017
Wlan-ble based indoor positioning system using machine learning cloud services
M Terán, H Carrillo, C Parra
2018 IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation (CCRA), 1-6, 2018
Iot solution for data sensing in a smart campus using smartphone sensors
J Alonso, C Bayona, O Rojas, M Terán, J Aranda, H Carrillo, C Parra
2018 IEEE Colombian conference on communications and computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2018
A methodology for signals intelligence using non-conventional techniques and software-defined radio
M Terán, J Aranda, J Marin, E Uchamocha, G Corzo-Ussa
2021 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2021
Mobility parameter estimation for seamless indoor-outdoor localization based on heterogeneous information fusion for 4-wheel vehicles
M Terán, H Carrillo, C Parra
2018 IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation (CCRA), 1-6, 2018
An IoT System for Telemedicine Utilizing Electrocardiogram Technology
J López, J Lozada, M Terán, A Cediel, MC Tole
2023 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2023
Preliminary Approach for UAV-Based Multi-Sensor Platforms for Reconnaissance and Surveillance applications
N Amezquita, S González, M Teran, C Salazar, J Corredor, G Corzo
Ingeniería 28 (3), 2023
A Methodology for GNSS Signals Acquisition for Non-Conventional Spectral Estimation Techniques Evaluation Using Software-Defined Radio
M Terán, J Osorio, J Garcia, J Marin, J Aranda
2023 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2023
Developing an algorithm for extracting navigation data from GNSS signals
MT I.B. Vlasov, A.I. Gavrilov
Science and Education: scientific edition of Bauman MSTU 12, 333-344, 2012
Estudio comparativo de técnicas de estimación espectral paramétricas y no paramétricas para la detección de señales GPS bajo condiciones de alto ruido Comparison of parametric …
J Marin, M Terán, J Aranda
potencia 7, 896, 0
A proposal of alternative Campus Access Control systems in the Universidad Sergio Arboleda campus
S Aya, J Dıaz, S Mancipe, J Aranda, R González, M Teran
acceso 1, 2, 0
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Articles 1–11