Anna Galler
Anna Galler
Graz University of Technology / Max PIanck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
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Ab initio dynamical vertex approximation
A Galler, P Thunström, P Gunacker, JM Tomczak, K Held
Physical Review B 95 (11), 115107, 2017
Towards ab initio calculations with the dynamical vertex approximation
A Galler, J Kaufmann, P Gunacker, M Pickem, P Thunström, JM Tomczak, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87 (4), 041004, 2018
Screened moments and absence of ferromagnetism in FeAl
A Galler, C Taranto, M Wallerberger, M Kaltak, G Kresse, G Sangiovanni, ...
Physical Review B 92 (20), 205132, 2015
The AbinitioDΓA Project v1. 0: Non-local correlations beyond and susceptibilities within dynamical mean-field theory
A Galler, P Thunström, J Kaufmann, M Pickem, JM Tomczak, K Held
Computer Physics Communications 245, 106847, 2019
Intrinsically weak magnetic anisotropy of cerium in potential hard-magnetic intermetallics
A Galler, S Ener, F Maccari, I Dirba, KP Skokov, O Gutfleisch, S Biermann, ...
npj Quantum Materials 6 (1), 2, 2021
Electronic structure of rare-earth mononitrides: quasiatomic excitations and semiconducting bands
A Galler, LV Pourovskii
New Journal of Physics 24 (4), 043039, 2022
Doping-dependent charge-and spin-density wave orderings in a monolayer of Pb adatoms on Si (111)
M Vandelli, A Galler, A Rubio, AI Lichtenstein, S Biermann, EA Stepanov
npj Quantum Materials 9 (1), 19, 2024
Correlated electronic structure and optical response of rare-earth based semiconductors
A Galler, J Boust, A Demourgues, S Biermann, LV Pourovskii
Physical Review B 103 (24), L241105, 2021
Orbital and electronic entanglement in quantum teleportation schemes
A Galler, P Thunström
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033120, 2021
Schrödinger’s original quantum–mechanical solution for hydrogen
A Galler, J Canfield, JK Freericks
European Journal of Physics 42 (3), 035405, 2021
Combining semilocal exchange with dynamical mean-field theory: Electronic structure and optical response of rare-earth sesquioxides
J Boust, A Galler, S Biermann, LV Pourovskii
Physical Review B 105 (8), 085133, 2022
Mapping Light-Dressed Floquet Bands by Highly Nonlinear Optical Excitations and Valley Polarization
A Galler, A Rubio, O Neufeld
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (50), 11298–11304, 2023
Relation between crystal structure and optical properties in the correlated blue pigment
V Ransmayr, JM Tomczak, A Galler
Physical Review Materials 6 (10), 105003, 2022
A DFT+ DMFT study of the electronic structure and optical properties of the blue pigment material YIn1− xMnxO3
V Ransmayr, A Galler, PDJM Tomczak
Master’s thesis, Techn. Universität Wien, Vienna, 2022, https://doi. org/10 …, 2022
Towards an ab initio treatment of materials with local and non-local electronic correlations
A Galler
Technische Universität Wien, 2017
The Laplace method for energy eigenvalue problems in quantum mechanics
J Canfield, A Galler, JK Freericks
Quantum Reports 5 (2), 370-397, 2023
Electronic correlations in potential new rare-earth permanent magnet materials
A Galler, L Pourovskii, S Biermann
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, B07. 005, 2019
Direct Signatures of Light-Driven Bands in Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Excitations
A Galler, Á Rubio, O Neufeld
Compact EUV & X-ray Light Sources, EW2A. 2, 2024
A first-principles approach to the electronic structure of rare-earth semiconductors
A Galler
Electronic structure and optical response of rare-earth semiconductors obtained by semi-local exchange and dynamical mean-field theory
A Galler
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, Q61. 011, 2023
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Articles 1–20