Antonio Suma
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Cited by
Full phase diagram of active Brownian disks: from melting to motility-induced phase separation
P Digregorio, D Levis, A Suma, LF Cugliandolo, G Gonnella, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 098003, 2018
Motility-induced phase separation and coarsening in active matter
G Gonnella, D Marenduzzo, A Suma, A Tiribocchi
Comptes Rendus. Physique 16 (3), 316-331, 2015
Molecular basis of microhomology-mediated end-joining by purified full-length Polθ
SJ Black, AY Ozdemir, E Kashkina, T Kent, T Rusanov, D Ristic, Y Shin, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4423, 2019
Motility-induced phase separation in an active dumbbell fluid
A Suma, G Gonnella, D Marenduzzo, E Orlandini
Europhysics Letters 108 (5), 56004, 2014
How to fold intricately: using theory and experiments to unravel the properties of knotted proteins
SE Jackson, A Suma, C Micheletti
Current opinion in structural biology 42, 6-14, 2017
Tacoxdna: A user‐friendly web server for simulations of complex DNA structures, from single strands to origami
A Suma, E Poppleton, M Matthies, P Šulc, F Romano, AA Louis, JPK Doye, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 40 (29), 2586-2595, 2019
Pore translocation of knotted DNA rings
A Suma, C Micheletti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (15), E2991-E2997, 2017
A versatile DNA origami-based plasmonic nanoantenna for label-free single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
K Tapio, A Mostafa, Y Kanehira, A Suma, A Dutta, I Bald
ACS nano 15 (4), 7065-7077, 2021
Large fluctuations and dynamic phase transition in a system of self-propelled particles
F Cagnetta, F Corberi, G Gonnella, A Suma
Physical review letters 119 (15), 158002, 2017
Phase coexistence in two-dimensional passive and active dumbbell systems
LF Cugliandolo, P Digregorio, G Gonnella, A Suma
Physical review letters 119 (26), 268002, 2017
Pore translocation of knotted polymer chains: How friction depends on knot complexity
A Suma, A Rosa, C Micheletti
ACS Macro Letters 4 (12), 1420-1424, 2015
Effective temperatures in inhomogeneous passive and active bidimensional Brownian particle systems
I Petrelli, LF Cugliandolo, G Gonnella, A Suma
Physical Review E 102 (1), 012609, 2020
Environment‐dependent stability and mechanical properties of DNA origami six‐helix bundles with different crossover spacings
Y Xin, P Piskunen, A Suma, C Li, H Ijäs, S Ojasalo, I Seitz, MA Kostiainen, ...
Small 18 (18), 2107393, 2022
Rotational and translational diffusion in an interacting active dumbbell system
LF Cugliandolo, G Gonnella, A Suma
Physical Review E 91 (6), 062124, 2015
Dynamics of a homogeneous active dumbbell system
A Suma, G Gonnella, G Laghezza, A Lamura, A Mossa, LF Cugliandolo
Physical Review E 90 (5), 052130, 2014
Global and local mechanical properties control endonuclease reactivity of a DNA origami nanostructure
A Suma, A Stopar, AW Nicholson, M Castronovo, V Carnevale
Nucleic Acids Research, gkaa080, 2020
Active dumbbells: dynamics and morphology in the coexisting region
I Petrelli, P Digregorio, LF Cugliandolo, G Gonnella, A Suma
Eur. Phys. J. E 41, 128, 2018
Phase segregation in a system of active dumbbells
G Gonnella, A Lamura, A Suma
International Journal of Modern Physics C 25 (12), 1441004, 2014
Arranging Small Molecules with Sub‐Nanometer Precision on DNA Origami Substrates for the Single‐Molecule Investigation of Protein‐Ligand Interactions
J Huang, A Suma, M Cui, G Grundmeier, V Carnevale, Y Zhang, C Kielar, ...
Small Structures, 2020
Dynamics of supercoiled DNA with complex knots: large-scale rearrangements and persistent multi-strand interlocking
L Coronel, A Suma, C Micheletti
Nucleic acids research 46 (15), 7533-7541, 2018
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Articles 1–20