Menghui Li
Cited by
Cited by
Clustering coefficient and community structure of bipartite networks
P Zhang, J Wang, X Li, M Li, Z Di, Y Fan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (27), 6869-6875, 2008
Weighted networks of scientific communication: the measurement and topological role of weight
M Li, Y Fan, J Chen, L Gao, Z Di, J Wu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 350 (2-4), 643-656, 2005
Comparative definition of community and corresponding identifying algorithm
Y Hu, H Chen, P Zhang, M Li, Z Di, Y Fan
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Quantifying the influence of scientists and their publications: distinguishing between prestige and popularity
YB Zhou, L Lü, M Li
New Journal of Physics 14 (3), 033033, 2012
Community detection by signaling on complex networks
Y Hu, M Li, P Zhang, Y Fan, Z Di
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1 …, 2008
Evolving model of weighted networks inspired by scientific collaboration networks
M Li, J Wu, D Wang, T Zhou, Z Di, Y Fan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 375 (1), 355-364, 2007
Accuracy and precision of methods for community identification in weighted networks
Y Fan, M Li, P Zhang, J Wu, Z Di
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 377 (1), 363-372, 2007
Network of econophysicists: a weighted network to investigate the development of econophysics
Y Fan, M Li, J Chen, L Gao, Z Di, J Wu
International Journal of Modern Physics B 18 (17n19), 2505-2511, 2004
Standing on the shoulders of giants: the effect of outstanding scientists on young collaborators’ careers
M Qi, A Zeng, M Li, Y Fan, Z Di
Scientometrics 111, 1839-1850, 2017
The effect of weight on community structure of networks
Y Fan, M Li, P Zhang, J Wu, Z Di
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its applications 378 (2), 583-590, 2007
The analysis and dissimilarity comparison of community structure
P Zhang, M Li, J Wu, Z Di, Y Fan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 367, 577-585, 2006
Use of shared-mobility services to accomplish emergency evacuation in urban areas via reduction in intermediate trips—Case study in Xi’an, China
M Li, J Xu, X Liu, C Sun, Z Duan
Sustainability 10 (12), 4862, 2018
Do scientists trace hot topics?
T Wei, M Li, C Wu, XY Yan, Y Fan, Z Di, J Wu
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2207, 2013
A coevolving model based on preferential triadic closure for social media networks
M Li, H Zou, S Guan, X Gong, K Li, Z Di, CH Lai
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2512, 2013
Interrelations among scientific fields and their relative influences revealed by an input–output analysis
Z Shen, L Yang, J Pei, M Li, C Wu, J Bao, T Wei, Z Di, R Rousseau, J Wu
Journal of informetrics 10 (1), 82-97, 2016
From sparse to dense and from assortative to disassortative in online social networks
M Li, S Guan, C Wu, X Gong, K Li, J Wu, Z Di, CH Lai
Scientific Reports 4, 4861, 2014
Emergence of global preferential attachment from local interaction
M Li, L Gao, Y Fan, J Wu, Z Di
New Journal of Physics 12 (4), 043029, 2010
Modelling weighted networks using connection count
M Li, D Wang, Y Fan, Z Di, J Wu
New Journal of Physics 8 (5), 72, 2006
Serial interval and generation interval for imported and local infectors, respectively, estimated using reported contact-tracing data of COVID-19 in China
M Li, K Liu, Y Song, M Wang, J Wu
Frontiers in public health 8, 577431, 2021
General‐Logistic‐Based Speed‐Density Relationship Model Incorporating the Effect of Heavy Vehicles
X Liu, J Xu, M Li, L Wei, H Ru
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (1), 6039846, 2019
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