Anne Brown
Anne Brown
Associate Professor, University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management
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Cited by
Car-less or car-free? Socioeconomic and mobility differences among zero-car households
AE Brown
Transport Policy 60, 152-159, 2017
Redefining car access: Ride-hail travel and use in Los Angeles
A Brown
Journal of the American Planning Association 85 (2), 83-95, 2019
Ridehail revolution: Ridehail travel and equity in Los Angeles
AE Brown
University of California, Los Angeles, 2018
Impeding access: The frequency and characteristics of improper scooter, bike, and car parking
A Brown, NJ Klein, C Thigpen, N Williams
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100099, 2020
Who and where rideshares? Rideshare travel and use in Los Angeles
AE Brown
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 136, 120-134, 2020
A taste for transit? Analyzing public transit use trends among youth
AE Brown, E Blumenberg, BD Taylor, K Ralph, CT Voulgaris
Journal of Public Transportation 19 (1), 49-67, 2016
Not minding the gap: Does ride-hailing serve transit deserts?
JM Barajas, A Brown
Journal of Transport Geography 90, 102918, 2021
Synergistic neighborhood relationships with travel behavior: An analysis of travel in 30,000 US neighborhoods
CT Voulgaris, BD Taylor, E Blumenberg, A Brown, K Ralph
Journal of Transport and Land Use 10 (1), 437-461, 2017
Hailing a change: Comparing taxi and ridehail service quality in Los Angeles
A Brown, W LaValle
Transportation 48 (2), 1007-1031, 2021
Docked vs. dockless equity: Comparing three micromobility service geographies
S Meng, A Brown
Journal of Transport Geography 96, 103185, 2021
Car-deficit households: determinants and implications for household travel in the US
E Blumenberg, A Brown, A Schouten
Transportation 47, 1103-1125, 2020
Fair fares? How flat and variable fares affect transit equity in Los Angeles
AE Brown
Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2018
Prevalence and mechanisms of discrimination: Evidence from the ride-hail and taxi industries
AE Brown
Journal of Planning Education and Research 43 (2), 268-280, 2023
Converting garages into housing
A Brown, V Mukhija, D Shoup
Journal of Planning Education and Research 40 (1), 56-68, 2020
Equity implications of ride-hail travel during COVID-19 in California
A Brown, R Williams
Transportation research record 2677 (4), 1-14, 2023
The role of habit and residential location in travel behavior change programs, a field experiment
KM Ralph, AE Brown
Transportation 46 (3), 719-734, 2019
Sex or sexuality? Analyzing the division of labor and travel in gay, lesbian, and straight households
MJ Smart, A Brown, BD Taylor
Travel Behavior and Society 6, 75-82, 2017
Millennials, built form, and travel insights from a nationwide typology of US neighborhoods
K Ralph, CT Voulgaris, BD Taylor, E Blumenberg, AE Brown
Journal of transport geography 57, 218-226, 2016
Planning and the so-called ‘sharing’economy/can shared mobility deliver equity?/the sharing economy and the ongoing dilemma about how to plan for informality/regulating …
AJ Kim, A Brown, M Nelson, R Ehrenfeucht, N Holman, N Gurran, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 20 (2), 261-287, 2019
Can mobility on demand bridge the first-last mile transit gap? Equity implications of Los Angeles’ pilot program
A Brown, M Manville, A Weber
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 10, 100396, 2021
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