Adrien Bouguen
Cited by
Cited by
Using randomized controlled trials to estimate long-run impacts in development economics
A Bouguen, Y Huang, M Kremer, E Miguel
Annual Review of Economics 11 (1), 523-561, 2019
Preschool and parental response in a second best world: Evidence from a school construction experiment
A Bouguen, D Filmer, K Macours, S Naudeau
Journal of Human Resources 53 (2), 474-512, 2018
Impact evaluation of three types of early childhood development interventions in Cambodia
A Bouguen, D Filmer, K Macours, S Naudeau
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2013
Joint roles of parenting and nutritional status for child development: Evidence from rural Cambodia
J Berkes, A Raikes, A Bouguen, D Filmer
Developmental Science 22 (5), e12874, 2019
Knowledge and adoption of complex agricultural technologies: Evidence from an extension experiment
D Hörner, A Bouguen, M Frölich, M Wollni
The World Bank Economic Review 36 (1), 68-90, 2022
The effects of decentralized and video-based extension on the adoption of integrated soil fertility management–experimental evidence from Ethiopia
D Hörner, A Bouguen, M Frölich, M Wollni
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Simple questionnaires outperform behavioral tasks to measure socio-emotional skills in students
M Boon-Falleur, A Bouguen, A Charpentier, Y Algan, É Huillery, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 442, 2022
Randomized controlled experiments in education
A Bouguen, M Gurgand
EENEE Analytical Report, 2012
Adjusting content to individual student needs: Further evidence from an in-service teacher training program
A Bouguen
Economics of Education Review 50, 90-112, 2016
The role of mindset in education: a large-scale field experiment in disadvantaged schools
E Huillery, A Bouguen, A Charpentier, Y Algan, C Chevallier
SocArXiv. doi 10, 2021
Improving preschool provision and encouraging demand: Heterogeneous impacts of a large-scale program
JL Berkes, A Bouguen, D Filmer, T Fukao
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2019
Does class size influence student achievement?
A Bouguen, J Grenet, M Gurgand
Notes IPP, 1-7, 2017
Preschools and early childhood development in a second best world: Evidence from a scaled-up experiment in Cambodia
A Bouguen, D Filmer, K Macours, S Naudeau
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10170, 2014
Évaluation d’impact du dispositif Coup de Pouce Clé
D Goux, M Gurgand, E Maurin, A Bouguen
Rapport final pour le Fonds d’expérimentation pour la jeunesse and Bressou P …, 2013
L’assignation aléatoire comme méthode d’évaluation des politiques publiques
A Bouguen, J Seban
Économie & prévision 204205 (1), 119-143, 2014
La taille des classes influence-t-elle la réussite scolaire?
A Bouguen, J Grenet, M Gurgand
Notes IPP, 2017
Heterogeneous Preschool Impact and Close Substitutes: Evidence from a Preschool Construction Program in Cambodia
J Berkes, A Bouguen
UC Berkeley: Center for Effective Global Action, 2019
Measuring socio-emotional skills in schools: simple questionnaires outperform behavioral tasks
M Boon-Falleur, A Bouguen, A Charpentier, Y Algan, E Huillery, ...
Psyarxiv, 2020
Combining supply and demand-side interventions: Evidence from a large preschool program in cambodia: Impact evaluation final report
JL Berkes, A Bouguen, DP Filmer, T Fukao
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: World …, 2019
Sept minutes pour apprendre à lire
B Suchaut, A Bougnères, A Bouguen
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