Deepak P
Deepak P
Queen's University Belfast, UK & IIT Madras, India
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Cited by
Lexicon based feature extraction for emotion text classification
A Bandhakavi, N Wiratunga, D Padmanabhan, S Massie
Pattern recognition letters 93, 133-142, 2017
Indexing and matching trajectories under inconsistent sampling rates
S Ranu, P Deepak, AD Telang, P Deshpande, S Raghavan
2015 IEEE 31st International conference on data engineering, 999-1010, 2015
Lexicon generation for emotion detection from text
A Bandhakavi, N Wiratunga, S Massie, D Padmanabhan
IEEE intelligent systems 32 (1), 102-108, 2017
Unsupervised fake news detection: A graph-based approach
SCR Gangireddy, D P, C Long, T Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 31st ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 75-83, 2020
Caesar: A context-aware, social recommender system for low-end mobile devices
L Ramaswamy, P Deepak, R Polavarapu, K Gunasekera, D Garg, ...
Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware, 2009. MDM'09 …, 2009
Fairness in clustering with multiple sensitive attributes
SS Abraham, SS Sundaram
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.05113, 2019
Generating a word-emotion lexicon from# emotional tweets
A Bandhakavi, N Wiratunga, P Deepak, S Massie
Proceedings of the third joint conference on lexical and computational …, 2014
Systems and methods for marketing to mobile devices
D Chakraborty, K Dasgupta, D Garg, S Kalyanaraman, AR Lobo, S Mittal, ...
US Patent App. 12/505,734, 2011
Improved methods to aid unsupervised evidence-based fact checking for online health news
P Deka, A Jurek-Loughrey, D Padmanabhan
Journal of Data Intelligence 3 (4), 474-505, 2022
Supplementing structured information about entities with information from unstructured data sources
PM Deshpande, MK Mohania, K Murthy, DS Padmanabhan, JS Reed, ...
US Patent 9,251,180, 2016
Efficient reverse skyline retrieval with arbitrary non-metric similarity measures
PM Deshpande, P Deepak
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2011
Emotion cognizance improves health fake news identification.
K Anoop, P Deepak, VL Lajish
IDEAS 2020, 24th, 2020
Efficient online top-k retrieval with arbitrary similarity measures
PM Deshpande, D P, K Kummamuru
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database …, 2008
Unsupervised concept hierarchy learning: a topic modeling guided approach
VS Anoop, S Asharaf, P Deepak
Procedia computer science 89, 386-394, 2016
Detecting localized homogeneous anomalies over spatio-temporal data
A Telang, P Deepak, S Joshi, P Deshpande, R Rajendran
Data mining and knowledge discovery 28, 1480-1502, 2014
Leveraging semantic resources in diversified query expansion
A Krishnan, D P, S Ranu, S Mehta
World Wide Web 21, 1041-1067, 2018
Improving recall of regular expressions for information extraction
K Murthy, D P, PM Deshpande
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2012: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Optimizing Questionnaires
A Chandran, KH Nair, DS Padmanabhan
US Patent App. 12/402,697, 2010
Sentiment and emotion based representations for fake reviews detection
A Melleng, A Jurek-Loughrey, P Deepak
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2019
Inferring and exploiting categories for next location prediction
A Likhyani, D Padmanabhan, S Bedathur, S Mehta
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 65-66, 2015
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Articles 1–20