Leon Rothkrantz
Leon Rothkrantz
Professor Emeritus The Netherlands Defence Academy, Associate Professor Em Delft University of
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Cited by
Automatic analysis of facial expressions: The state of the art
M Pantic, LJM Rothkrantz
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 22 (12), 1424 …, 2000
Ant-based load balancing in telecommunications networks
R Schoonderwoerd, OE Holland, JL Bruten, LJM Rothkrantz
Adaptive behavior 5 (2), 169-207, 1997
Toward an affect-sensitive multimodal human-computer interaction
M Pantic, LJM Rothkrantz
Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (9), 1370-1390, 2003
Expert system for automatic analysis of facial expressions
M Pantic, LJM Rothkrantz
Image and Vision Computing 18 (11), 881-905, 2000
Facial action recognition for facial expression analysis from static face images
M Pantic, LJM Rothkrantz
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34 …, 2004
Emotion recognition using brain activity
R Horlings, D Datcu, LJM Rothkrantz
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on computer systems and …, 2008
Microscopic traffic simulation with reactive driving agents
PAM Ehlert, LJM Rothkrantz
ITSC 2001. 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
Detecting stress using eye blinks and brain activity from EEG signals
M Haak, S Bos, S Panic, LJM Rothkrantz
Proceeding of the 1st driver car interaction and interface (DCII 2008), 35-60, 2009
The INTERSPEECH 2021 computational paralinguistics challenge: COVID-19 cough, COVID-19 speech, escalation & primates
BW Schuller, A Batliner, C Bergler, C Mascolo, J Han, I Lefter, H Kaya, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.13468, 2021
Semantic audiovisual data fusion for automatic emotion recognition
D Datcu, LJM Rothkrantz
Emotion recognition: a pattern analysis approach, 411-435, 2015
Voice stress analysis
LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, JWA Van Wees, RJ van Vark
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 7th International Conference, TSD 2004, Brno …, 2004
Ant-based vehicle congestion avoidance system using vehicular networks
MR Jabbarpour, A Jalooli, E Shaghaghi, RM Noor, L Rothkrantz, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 36, 303-319, 2014
Analysis of shopping behavior based on surveillance system
M Popa, L Rothkrantz, Z Yang, P Wiggers, R Braspenning, C Shan
2010 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 2512-2519, 2010
Facial expression recognition in still pictures and videos using active appearance models: a comparison approach
D Datcu, L Rothkrantz
Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computer systems and …, 2007
Kinect sensing of shopping related actions
M Popa, A Kemal Koc, LJM Rothkrantz, C Shan, P Wiggers
Constructing Ambient Intelligence: AmI 2011 Workshops, Amsterdam, The …, 2012
Recognizing stress using semantics and modulation of speech and gestures
I Lefter, GJ Burghouts, LJM Rothkrantz
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 7 (2), 162-175, 2015
Automatic stress detection in emergency (telephone) calls
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, DA Van Leeuwen, P Wiggers
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 4 (2), 148-168, 2011
An expert system for multiple emotional classification of facial expressions
M Pantic, LJM Rothkrantz
Proceedings 11th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1999
Hierarchical routing in traffic using swarm-intelligence
B Tatomir, L Rothkrantz
2006 IEEE intelligent transportation systems conference, 230-235, 2006
Emotion recognition from speech by combining databases and fusion of classifiers
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, DA Van Leeuwen
International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 353-360, 2010
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Articles 1–20