Susan E. Cameron Devitt
Susan E. Cameron Devitt
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Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas
RJ Hijmans, SE Cameron, JL Parra, PG Jones, A Jarvis
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2005
The WorldClim interpolated global terrestrial climate surfaces. Version 1.3
RJ Hijmans, SE Cameron, JL Parra, PG Jones, A Jarvis
Mapping more of terrestrial biodiversity for global conservation assessment
S Ferrier, GVN Powell, KS Richardson, G Manion, JM Overton, TF Allnutt, ...
BioScience 54 (12), 1101-1109, 2004
WorldClim, version 1.3
RJ Hijmans, S Cameron, J Parra, P Jones, A Jarvis, K Richardson
University of California, Berkeley, 2005
The role of climate, habitat, and species co‐occurrence as drivers of change in small mammal distributions over the past century
EM Rubidge, WB Monahan, JL Parra, SE Cameron, JS Brashares
Global Change Biology 17 (2), 696-708, 2011
Mapping evolutionary process: a multi‐taxa approach to conservation prioritization
HA Thomassen, T Fuller, W Buermann, B Mila, CM Kieswetter, P Jarrín‐V, ...
Evolutionary applications 4 (2), 397-413, 2011
WorldClim-global climate data
RJ Hijmans, S Cameron, J Parra, P Jones, A Jarvis, K Richardson
Very High Resolution Interpolated Climate Surfaces for Global Land Areas, 2005
Place prioritization for biodiversity conservation using probabilistic surrogate distribution data
S Sarkar, C Pappas, J Garson, A Aggarwal, S Cameron
Diversity and Distributions 10 (2), 125-133, 2004
Modeling environmentally associated morphological and genetic variation in a rainforest bird, and its application to conservation prioritization
HA Thomassen, W Buermann, B Mila, CH Graham, SE Cameron, ...
Evolutionary Applications 3 (1), 1-16, 2010
Efficiency and concordance of alternative methods for minimizing opportunity costs in conservation planning
SE Cameron, KJ Williams, DK Mitchell
Conservation Biology 22 (4), 886-896, 2008
Very high resolution interpolated global terrestrial climate surfaces
RJ Hijmans, SE Cameron, JL Parra, PG Jones, A Jarvis
International Journal of Climatology 25 (15), 1965-1978, 2005
Montane refugia predict population genetic structure in the L arge‐blotched E nsatina salamander
TJ Devitt, SEC Devitt, BD Hollingsworth, JA McGuire, C Moritz
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1650-1665, 2013
RJ Hijmans, S Cameron, J Parra, P Jones, A Jarvis, K Richardson
University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Impacts of a half century of sea‐level rise and development on an endangered mammal
JA Schmidt, R McCleery, JR Seavey, SE Cameron Devitt, PM Schmidt
Global Change Biology, 2012
Density dependence or climatic variation? Factors influencing survival, recruitment, and population growth rate of Virginia opossums
EM Troyer, SE Cameron Devitt, ME Sunquist, VR Goswami, MK Oli
Journal of Mammalogy 95 (2), 421-430, 2014
Incorporating multiple criteria into the design of conservation area networks
S Sarkar, A Moffett, R Sierra, T Fuller, S Cameron, J Garson
Endangered Species Update 21 (3), 100, 2004
viewed 28 September 2015
RJ Hijmans, SE Cameron, JL Parra, PG Jones, A Jarvis
Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas …, 2005
Survival, recruitment, and population growth rate of an important mesopredator: the northern raccoon
EM Troyer, SE Cameron Devitt, ME Sunquist, VR Goswami, MK Oli
PLoS One 9 (6), e98535, 2014
Intraspecific morphological and genetic variation of common species predicts ranges of threatened ones
TL Fuller, HA Thomassen, M Peralvo, W Buermann, B Milá, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1760), 20130423, 2013
First survey of the amphibians and reptiles of the Nectandra Cloud Forest Reserve, Alajuela, Costa Rica
SM Rovito, TJ Devitt, SC Devitt
Check List 11 (2), 1570-1570, 2015
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Articles 1–20