Dan Immergluck
Cited by
Cited by
The external costs of foreclosure: The impact of single‐family mortgage foreclosures on property values
D Immergluck, G Smith
Housing Policy Debate 17 (1), 57-79, 2006
Foreclosed: High-risk lending, deregulation, and the undermining of America's mortgage market
D Immergluck
Cornell University Press, 2011
The impact of single-family mortgage foreclosures on neighborhood crime
D Immergluck, G Smith
Housing Studies 21 (6), 851-866, 2006
Sustainable for whom? Green urban development, environmental gentrification, and the Atlanta Beltline
D Immergluck, T Balan
Urban geography 39 (4), 546-562, 2018
Large redevelopment initiatives, housing values and gentrification: The case of the Atlanta Beltline
D Immergluck
Urban studies 46 (8), 1723-1745, 2009
Credit to the community: Community reinvestment and fair lending policy in the United States
D Immergluck
Routledge, 2016
Job proximity and the urban employment problem: do suitable nearby jobs improve neighbourhood employment rates?
D Immergluck
Urban Studies 35 (1), 7-23, 1998
Measuring the effect of subprime lending on neighborhood foreclosures: Evidence from Chicago
D Immergluck, G Smith
Urban Affairs Review 40 (3), 362-389, 2005
From the subprime to the exotic: Excessive mortgage market risk and foreclosures
D Immergluck
Journal of the American Planning Association 74 (1), 59-76, 2008
The local wreckage of global capital: The subprime crisis, federal policy, and high-foreclosure neighborhoods in the U.S.
D Immergluck
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35, 130-146, 2010
Two steps back: The dual mortgage market, predatory lending, and the undoing of community development
D Immergluck
Woodstock Institute, 1999
Evictions, large owners, and serial filings: Findings from Atlanta
D Immergluck, J Ernsthausen, S Earl, A Powell
Housing Studies 35 (5), 903-924, 2020
Neighborhoods in the wake of the debacle: Intrametropolitan patterns of foreclosed properties
D Immergluck
Urban Affairs Review 46 (1), 3-36, 2010
The foreclosure crisis, foreclosed properties, and federal policy: Some implications for housing and community development planning
D Immergluck
Journal of the American Planning Association 75 (4), 406-423, 2009
Examining changes in long‐term neighborhood housing vacancy during the 2011 to 2014 US national recovery
D Immergluck
Journal of Urban Affairs 38 (5), 607-622, 2016
Investing in crisis: The methods, strategies, and expectations of investors in single-family foreclosed homes in distressed neighborhoods
D Immergluck, J Law
Housing Policy Debate 24 (3), 568-593, 2014
Regional resilience in the face of foreclosures: Evidence from six metropolitan areas
T Swanstrom, K Chapple, D Immergluck
Distressed and dumped: Market dynamics of low-value, foreclosed properties during the advent of the federal neighborhood stabilization program
D Immergluck
Journal of Planning Education and Research 32 (1), 48-61, 2012
Race and uneven recovery: Neighborhood home value trajectories in Atlanta before and after the housing crisis
E Raymond, K Wang, D Immergluck
Housing Studies 31 (3), 324-339, 2016
There goes the neighborhood: The effect of single-family mortgage foreclosures on property values
D Immergluck, G Smith
Woodstock Institute, 2005
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Articles 1–20