William Anderegg
Cited by
Cited by
Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming
J Cook, N Oreskes, PT Doran, WRL Anderegg, B Verheggen, ...
Environmental research letters 11 (4), 048002, 2016
Expert credibility in climate change
WRL Anderegg, JW Prall, J Harold, SH Schneider
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (27), 12107-12109, 2010
Consequences of widespread tree mortality triggered by drought and temperature stress
WRL Anderegg, JM Kane, LDL Anderegg
Nature climate change 3 (1), 30-36, 2013
Pervasive drought legacies in forest ecosystems and their implications for carbon cycle models
WRL Anderegg, C Schwalm, F Biondi, JJ Camarero, G Koch, M Litvak, ...
Science 349 (6247), 528-532, 2015
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1285-1291, 2017
Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate
WRL Anderegg, JA Hicke, RA Fisher, CD Allen, J Aukema, B Bentz, ...
New Phytologist 208 (3), 674-683, 2015
Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe
WRL Anderegg, T Klein, M Bartlett, L Sack, AFA Pellegrini, B Choat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (18), 5024-5029, 2016
Global patterns of drought recovery
CR Schwalm, WRL Anderegg, AM Michalak, JB Fisher, F Biondi, G Koch, ...
Nature 548 (7666), 202-205, 2017
The roles of hydraulic and carbon stress in a widespread climate-induced forest die-off
WRL Anderegg, JA Berry, DD Smith, JS Sperry, LDL Anderegg, CB Field
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 109 (1), 233-237, 2012
Terrestrial and inland water systems
J Settele, R Scholes, RA Betts, S Bunn, P Leadley, D Nepstad, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Climate-driven risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests
WRL Anderegg, AT Trugman, G Badgley, CM Anderson, A Bartuska, ...
Science 368 (6497), eaaz7005, 2020
Vegetation demographics in Earth System Models: A review of progress and priorities
RA Fisher, CD Koven, WRL Anderegg, BO Christoffersen, MC Dietze, ...
Global change biology 24 (1), 35-54, 2018
Hydraulic diversity of forests regulates ecosystem resilience during drought
WRL Anderegg, AG Konings, AT Trugman, K Yu, DR Bowling, R Gabbitas, ...
Nature 561 (7724), 538-541, 2018
Fire frequency drives decadal changes in soil carbon and nitrogen and ecosystem productivity
AFA Pellegrini, A Ahlström, SE Hobbie, PB Reich, LP Nieradzik, ...
Nature 553 (7687), 194-198, 2018
Research frontiers for improving our understanding of drought‐induced tree and forest mortality
H Hartmann, CF Moura, WRL Anderegg, NK Ruehr, Y Salmon, CD Allen, ...
New Phytologist 218 (1), 15-28, 2018
Tree mortality predicted from drought-induced vascular damage
WRL Anderegg, A Flint, C Huang, L Flint, JA Berry, FW Davis, JS Sperry, ...
Nature geoscience 8 (5), 367-371, 2015
Drought's legacy: multiyear hydraulic deterioration underlies widespread aspen forest die‐off and portends increased future risk
WRL Anderegg, L Plavcová, LDL Anderegg, UG Hacke, JA Berry, ...
Global change biology 19 (4), 1188-1196, 2013
Large divergence of satellite and Earth system model estimates of global terrestrial CO2 fertilization
W Kolby Smith, SC Reed, CC Cleveland, AP Ballantyne, WRL Anderegg, ...
Nature climate change 6 (3), 306-310, 2016
Spatial and temporal variation in plant hydraulic traits and their relevance for climate change impacts on vegetation
WRL Anderegg
New Phytologist 205 (3), 1008-1014, 2015
Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit
NG McDowell, G Sapes, A Pivovaroff, HD Adams, CD Allen, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3 (5), 294-308, 2022
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Articles 1–20