Pallavi Jain
Cited by
Cited by
Participatory Budgeting with Project Interactions.
P Jain, K Sornat, N Talmon
IJCAI, 386-392, 2020
Participatory budgeting with project groups
P Jain, K Sornat, N Talmon, M Zehavi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05213, 2020
Partition aggregation for participatory budgeting
P Jain, N Talmon, L Bulteau
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2021
Preserving consistency for liquid knapsack voting
P Jain, K Sornat, N Talmon
European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, 221-238, 2022
Conflict free version of covering problems on graphs: Classical and parameterized
P Jain, L Kanesh, P Misra
Theory of Computing Systems 64 (6), 1067-1093, 2020
Parameterized complexity of conflict-free matchings and paths
A Agrawal, P Jain, L Kanesh, S Saurabh
Algorithmica 82 (7), 1939-1965, 2020
On the (parameterized) complexity of almost stable marriage
S Gupta, P Jain, S Roy, S Saurabh, M Zehavi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.08150, 2020
On minimizing vertex bisection using a memetic algorithm
P Jain, G Saran, K Srivastava
Information Sciences 369, 765-787, 2016
Branch and bound algorithm for vertex bisection minimization problem
P Jain, G Saran, K Srivastava
Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies: Proceedings of the 9th …, 2016
Mixed Dominating Set: A Parameterized Perspective
P Jain, M Jayakrishnan, F Panolan, A Sahu
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 43rd International Workshop …, 2017
Minimizing cyclic cutwidth of graphs using a memetic algorithm
P Jain, K Srivastava, G Saran
Journal of Heuristics 22, 815-848, 2016
A new integer linear programming and quadratically constrained quadratic programming formulation for vertex bisection minimization problem
P Jain, G Saran, K Srivastava
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems 10, 2016
Even more effort towards improved bounds and fixed-parameter tractability for multiwinner rules
S Gupta, P Jain, S Saurabh, N Talmon
Algorithmica 85 (12), 3717-3740, 2023
Gerrymandering on graphs: computational complexity and parameterized algorithms
S Gupta, P Jain, F Panolan, S Roy, S Saurabh
Algorithmic Game Theory: 14th International Symposium, SAGT 2021, Aarhus …, 2021
Committee selection with multimodal preferences
P Jain, N Talmon
ECAI 2020, 123-130, 2020
Gehrlein stability in committee selection: parameterized hardness and algorithms
S Gupta, P Jain, S Roy, S Saurabh, M Zehavi
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 34 (1), 27, 2020
Conflict free feedback vertex set: a parameterized dichotomy
A Agrawal, P Jain, L Kanesh, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh
Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2018
Maximizing Nash Social Welfare under Two-Sided Preferences
P Jain, R Vaish
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (9), 9798-9806, 2024
Parameterized Approximation Scheme for Biclique-free Max k-Weight SAT and Max Coverage
P Jain, L Kanesh, F Panolan, S Saha, A Sahu, S Saurabh, A Upasana
Proceedings of the 2023 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms …, 2023
Well-Structured Committee
S Gupta, DP Jain, S Saurabh, N Talmon
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Articles 1–20