Donald Blankenship
Donald Blankenship
Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
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Cited by
Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica
P Fretwell, HD Pritchard, DG Vaughan, JL Bamber, NE Barrand, R Bell, ...
The cryosphere 7 (1), 375-393, 2013
Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet
M Morlighem, E Rignot, T Binder, D Blankenship, R Drews, G Eagles, ...
Nature geoscience 13 (2), 132-137, 2020
Deformation of till beneath ice stream B, West Antarctica
RB Alley, DD Blankenship, CR Bentley, ST Rooney
Nature 322 (6074), 57-59, 1986
Till beneath ice stream B: 3. Till deformation: evidence and implications
RB Alley, DD Blankenship, CR Bentley, ST Rooney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92 (B9), 8921-8929, 1987
Sedimentation beneath ice shelves—the view from ice stream B
RB Alley, DD Blankenship, ST Rooney, CR Bentley
Marine Geology 85 (2-4), 101-120, 1989
Seismic measurements reveal a saturated porous layer beneath an active Antarctic ice stream
DD Blankenship, CR Bentley, ST Rooney, RB Alley
Nature 322 (6074), 54-57, 1986
Accelerated Antarctic ice loss from satellite gravity measurements
JL Chen, CR Wilson, D Blankenship, BD Tapley
Nature Geoscience 2 (12), 859-862, 2009
A revised inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes
MJ Siegert, S Carter, I Tabacco, S Popov, DD Blankenship
Antarctic Science 17 (3), 453-460, 2005
Active formation of ‘chaos terrain’over shallow subsurface water on Europa
BE Schmidt, DD Blankenship, GW Patterson, PM Schenk
Nature 479 (7374), 502-505, 2011
Till beneath Ice Stream B: 1. Properties derived from seismic travel times
DD Blankenship, CR Bentley, ST Rooney, RB Alley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92 (B9), 8903-8911, 1987
Influence of subglacial geology on the position of a West Antarctic ice stream from seismic observations
S Anandakrishnan, DD Blankenship, RB Alley, PL Stoffa
Nature 394 (6688), 62-65, 1998
Analysis techniques for coherent airborne radar sounding: Application to West Antarctic ice streams
ME Peters, DD Blankenship, DL Morse
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B6), 2005
Active volcanism beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet and implications for ice-sheet stability
DD Blankenship, RE Bell, SM Hodge, JM Brozena, JC Behrendt, CA Finn
Nature 361 (6412), 526-529, 1993
Influence of subglacial geology on the onset of a West Antarctic ice stream from aerogeophysical observations
RE Bell, DD Blankenship, CA Finn, DL Morse, TA Scambos, JM Brozena, ...
Nature 394 (6688), 58-62, 1998
The climate data toolbox for MATLAB
CA Greene, K Thirumalai, KA Kearney, JM Delgado, W Schwanghart, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (7), 3774-3781, 2019
Basal conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica, determined using satellite and airborne data
I Joughin, S Tulaczyk, JL Bamber, D Blankenship, JW Holt, T Scambos, ...
Journal of Glaciology 55 (190), 245-257, 2009
New boundary conditions for the West Antarctic ice sheet: Subglacial topography beneath Pine Island Glacier
DG Vaughan, HFJ Corr, F Ferraccioli, N Frearson, A O'Hare, D Mach, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (9), 2006
Antarctic mass rates from GRACE
JL Chen, CR Wilson, DD Blankenship, BD Tapley
Geophysical research letters 33 (11), 2006
Ice cover, landscape setting, and geological framework of Lake Vostok, East Antarctica
M Studinger, RE Bell, GD Karner, AA Tikku, JW Holt, DL Morse, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 205 (3-4), 195-210, 2003
A dynamic early East Antarctic Ice Sheet suggested by ice-covered fjord landscapes
DA Young, AP Wright, JL Roberts, RC Warner, NW Young, ...
Nature 474 (7349), 72-75, 2011
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Articles 1–20