Diego S. Carrasco
Diego S. Carrasco
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Feedforward model predictive control
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin
Annual Reviews in Control 35 (2), 199–206, 2011
A fundamental control limitation for linear positive systems with application to type 1 diabetes treatment
GC Goodwin, AM Medioli, DS Carrasco, BR King, Y Fu
Automatica 55, 73-77, 2015
Predictive control: a historical perspective
GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco, MM Seron
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 22 (12), 1296–1313, 2012
A fundamental control performance limit for a class of positive nonlinear systems
GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco, MM Seron, AM Medioli
Automatica 95, 14-22, 2018
Stochastic model predictive control: insights and performance comparisons for linear systems
MM Seron, GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (15), 5038-5057, 2019
ITSE optimal controller design and achievable performance bounds
DS Carrasco, ME Salgado
International journal of control 82 (11), 2115-2126, 2009
Vector Measures of Accuracy for Sampled Data Models of Nonlinear Systems
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin, JL Yuz
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 58 (1), 224 - 230, 2013
Modified euler-frobenius polynomials with application to sampled data modelling
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 3972-3985, 2017
Preview and feedforward in model predictive control: Conceptual and design issues
GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco, DQ Mayne, ME Salgado, M Seron
18th IFAC World Congress, 5555-5560, 2011
Preview and feedforward in model predictive control: A preliminary robustness analysis
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin
18th IFAC World Congress, 185-190, 2011
Nonlinear insulin to carbohydrate rule for treatment of type 1 diabetes
GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco, AM Medioli, BR King, C Stephen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 198-203, 2015
Sampled data models for nonlinear stochastic systems: Truncation errors and sampling zero dynamics
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (1), 103-115, 2015
Design of MDIs for type 1 diabetes treatment via rolling horizon cardinality-constrained optimisation
DS Carrasco, AD Matthews, GC Goodwin, RA Delgado, AM Medioli
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 15044-15049, 2017
Novel modelling for a steam boiler under fast load dynamics with implications to control
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin, RD Peirce
Automatica 156, 111184, 2023
Connecting filtering and control sensitivity functions
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin
Automatica 50 (12), 3319-3322, 2014
An input-output sampled data model for a class of continuous-time nonlinear systems having no finite zeros
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin
2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 336-339, 2011
Individualization of stochastic models from population statistics for blood glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes patients
HV Phan, GC Goodwin, DS Carrasco, AM Medioli, C Stephen, A Feuer
2016 Australian Control Conference (AuCC), 4-8, 2016
Performance limitations arising in closed loop control of blood glucose in type 1 diabetes
DS Carrasco, Y Fu, GC Goodwin, BR King, AM Medioli
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 2082-2087, 2014
The role of asymptotic sampling zero dynamics in the sampled-data control of continuous nonlinear systems
DS Carrasco, GC Goodwin
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4742-4747, 2013
Optimal multivariable controller design using an ITSE performance index
DS Carrasco, ME Salgado
International journal of control 83 (11), 2340-2353, 2010
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Articles 1–20