Hasan Rashaideh
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Cited by
The COVID-19 pandemic and E-learning: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of students and instructors
AM Maatuk, EK Elberkawi, S Aljawarneh, H Rashaideh, H Alharbi
Journal of computing in higher education 34 (1), 21-38, 2022
The RKHS method for numerical treatment for integrodifferential algebraic systems of temporal two-point BVPs
OA Arqub, H Rashaideh
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-12, 2017
Consensus-based combining method for classifier ensembles.
OA Alzubi, JAA Alzubi, S Tedmori, H Rashaideh, O Almomani
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 15 (1), 76-86, 2018
Preprocessing phase for Arabic word handwritten recognition
H Al-Rashaideh
Information Process (Russian) 6 (1), 2006
A novel automated essay scoring approach for reliable higher educational assessments
M Beseiso, OA Alzubi, H Rashaideh
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 33, 727-746, 2021
A Grey Wolf Optimizer for Text Document Clustering
H Rashaideh, A Sawaie, MA Al-Betar, LM Abualigah, MM Al-laham, ...
Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018
β-hill climbing technique for the text document clustering
LM Abualigah, AM Sawaie, AT Khader, H Rashaideh, MA Al-Betar, ...
New Trends in Information Technology (NTIT)–2017 60, 2017
Semantically enhanced pseudo relevance feedback for Arabic information retrieval
J Atwan, M Mohd, H Rashaideh, G Kanaan
Journal of Information Science 42 (2), 246-260, 2016
Secure channel coding schemes based on algebraic-geometric codes over Hermitian curves.
OA Alzubi, TM Chen, JAA Alzubi, H Rashaideh, N Al-Najdawi
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 22 (4), 552-566, 2016
Finding Arabic poem meter using context free grammar
MA Alnagdawi, H Rashideh, F Aburumman
Journal of Communication and Computer Engineering 3 (1), 52-59, 2013
Solving time series classification problems using support vector machine and neural network
M Alweshah, H Rashaideh, AI Hammouri, H Tayyeb, M Ababneh
International journal of data analysis techniques and strategies 9 (3), 237-247, 2017
Dynamic inertia weight particle swarm optimization for solving nonogram puzzles
H Alkhraisat, H Rashaideh
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (10), 2016
Real-time image encryption and decryption methods based on the Karhunen-Loeve transform
H Rashaideh, A Shaheen, N Al-Najdawi
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 7 (5), 399-421, 2019
Gene classification: A review
S Aljawarneh, B Al-shargabi, H Rashaideh
Proceedings of IEEE ICIT, 2013
Enhancement of Triangle Coordinates For Triangle Features For Better Classification
NA Arbain, MS Azmi, LB Melhem, A Kamilah, H Rashaideh
Jordanian J. Comput. Inf. Technol (JJCIT) 2 (2), 108-119, 2016
Solution of LANE-EMDEN Equation by Resedual Power Series Method
OA Arqub, H Rashaideh
ICIT 2013 The 6th International Conference on Information Technology, Amman …, 2013
исследование и разработка методов локализации, идентификации и распознавания арабских символов (на примере номерного знака)
ХХ Аль-Рашайда
Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет СПбГЭТУ …, 2008
Numerical Simulation for Fuzzy Fredholm Integral Equations Using Reproducing Kernel Algorithm
OA Arqub, H Rashaideh, S Aljawarneh
7th Int. Conf. Inf. Technol 2015, 497-501, 2015
Application of Continuous Genetic Algorithm for Second-Order Singular Boundary Value Problems
OA Arqub, Abo-Hammour, H Rashaideh
ICIT 2011 The 5th International Conference on Information Technology, 2011
Аль-рашайда Хасан. Выявление несанкционированных вставок в видеопотоке методом ранговых распределений
СВ Кулешов, АА Зайцева
Труды СПИИРАН. Вып. 3, т. 2, 2006
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Articles 1–20