Xin Xie
Cited by
Cited by
Listening with a foreign-accent: The interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit in Mandarin speakers of English
X Xie, CA Fowler
Journal of Phonetics, 2013
Learning a talker or learning an accent: Acoustic similarity constrains generalization of foreign accent adaptation to new talkers
X Xie, EB Myers
Journal of Memory and Language 97, 30-46, 2017
Rapid adaptation to foreign-accented speech and its transfer to an unfamiliar talker
X Xie, K Weatherholtz, L Bainton, E Rowe, Z Burchill, L Liu, TF Jaeger
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (4), 2013-2031, 2018
More Than a Boundary Shift: Perceptual Adaptation to Foreign-Accented Speech Reshapes the Internal Structure of Phonetic Categories
X Xie, RM Theodore, EB Myers
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2016
The impact of musical training and tone language experience on talker identification
X Xie, E Myers
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (1), 419-432, 2015
Sleep facilitates generalisation of accent adaptation to a new talker
X Xie, FS Earle, EB Myers
Language, cognition and neuroscience 33 (2), 196-210, 2018
Encoding and decoding of meaning through structured variability in intonational speech prosody
X Xie, A Buxó-Lugo, C Kurumada
Cognition 211 (0010-0277), 2021
Left inferior frontal gyrus sensitivity to phonetic competition in receptive language processing: A comparison of clear and conversational speech
X Xie, E Myers
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (3), 267-280, 2018
Comparing non-native and native speech: Are L2 productions more variable?
X Xie, TF Jaeger
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (5), 3322-3347, 2020
Cross-talker generalization in the perception of nonnative speech: A large-scale replication.
X Xie, L Liu, TF Jaeger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (11), e22, 2021
What we do (not) know about the mechanisms underlying adaptive speech perception: A computational framework and review
X Xie, TF Jaeger, C Kurumada
Cortex 166, 377-424, 2023
General Language Ability Predicts Talker Identification.
X Xie, EB Myers
CogSci, 2015
Involvement of the speech motor system in speech perception
C Fowler, X Xie
Speech motor control in normal and disordered speech: Future developments in …, 2016
Using rational models to interpret the results of experiments on accent adaptation
M Tan, X Xie, TF Jaeger
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 676271, 2021
Sentence predictability modulates cortical response to phonetic ambiguity
H Mechtenberg, X Xie, EB Myers
Brain and language 218, 104959, 2021
How we comprehend foreign-accented speech: Learning to generalize across talkers
C Lee, L Oey, E Simon, X Xie, TF Jaeger
Journal of Undergraduate Research 16 (1), 10-17, 2018
Cross-talker generalization in foreign-accented speech perception
X Xie, L Liu, TF Jaeger
Retrieved from osf. io/brwx5, 2020
Sleep facilitates talker generalization of accent adaptation
X Xie, FS Earle, EB Myers
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (4_Supplement), 3342-3342, 2016
Phonetic Adaptation to Foreign-Accented Speech
X Xie
The invariance problem in the acquisition of non-native phonetic contrasts: From instances to categories
E Myers, AR Johns, FS Earle, X Xie
The Speech Processing Lexicon: Neurocognitive and Behavioural Approaches 22 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20