Adam Westerski
Cited by
Cited by
Classifying and comparing community innovation in Idea Management Systems
A Westerski, T Dalamagas, CA Iglesias
Decision Support Systems 54 (3), 1316-1326, 2013
The road from community ideas to organisational innovation: a life cycle survey of idea management systems
A Westerski, CA Iglesias, T Nagle
International Journal of Web Based Communities 7 (4), 493-506, 2011
A model for integration and interlinking of idea management systems
A Westerski, CA Iglesias, FT Rico
Metadata and Semantic Research: 4th International Conference, MTSR 2010 …, 2010
Exploiting structured linked data in enterprise knowledge management systems: An idea management case study
A Westerski, CA Iglesias
2011 IEEE 15th international Enterprise distributed object computing …, 2011
Semantic technologies in idea management systems: a model for interoperability, linking and filtering
A Westerski
Adam Westerski, 2013
Linked opinions: Describing sentiments on the structured web of data
A Westerski, CÁ Iglesias Fernández, F Tapia Rico
CEUR, 2011
The role of ontologies in semantic digital libraries
SR Kruk, B Haslhofer, P Piotrowski, A Westerski, T Woroniecki
European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, 2006
Sentiment Analysis: Introduction and the State of the Art overview
A Westerski
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, 211-218, 2007
Application of semantic search in Idea Management Systems
G Poveda, A Westerski, CA Iglesias
2012 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2012
Explainable anomaly detection for procurement fraud identification—lessons from practical deployments
A Westerski, R Kanagasabai, E Shaham, A Narayanan, J Wong, M Singh
International Transactions in Operational Research 28 (6), 3276-3302, 2021
Prediction of enterprise purchases using Markov models in procurement analytics applications
A Westerski, R Kanagasabai, J Wong, H Chang
Procedia Computer Science 60, 1357-1366, 2015
Idea relationship analysis in open innovation crowdsourcing systems
A Westerski, CA Iglesias, JE Garcia
8th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking …, 2012
Mining sentiments in idea management systems as a tool for rating ideas
A Westerski, A Iglesias
International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP2012) of …, 2012
E-learning based on the social semantic information sources
A Westerski, SR Kruk, K Samp, T Woroniecki, F Czaja, C O'Nuallain
In search of disruptive ideas: Outlier detection techniques in crowdsourcing innovation platforms
A Westerski, R Kanagasabai
International Journal of Web Based Communities 15 (4), 344-367, 2019
Building consensus via a semantic web collaborative space
G Anadiotis, K Kafentzis, I Pavlopoulos, A Westerski
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 1097-1106, 2012
Integrated environment for visual data-level mashup development
A Westerski
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2009: 10th International Conference …, 2009
Semantists at ImageArg-2023: Exploring Cross-modal Contrastive and Ensemble Models for Multimodal Stance and Persuasiveness Classification
K Rajaraman, H Veeramani, S Rajamanickam, AM Westerski, JJ Kim
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining, 181-186, 2023
Large-Scale Ideation & Deliberation: Tools and Studies in Organizations
G Convertino, A Westerski, A De Liddo, P Díaz
Journal Social Media for Organizations 2 (1), 1, 2015
Marl ontology specification, V1. 0 may 2013
A Westerski, JF Sánchez-Rada
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Articles 1–20