Yueheng Lan
Yueheng Lan
Tsinghua Physics
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Improved contact prediction in proteins: using pseudolikelihoods to infer Potts models
M Ekeberg, C Lövkvist, Y Lan, M Weigt, E Aurell
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
Linearization in the large of nonlinear systems and Koopman operator spectrum
Y Lan, I Mezić
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 242 (1), 42-53, 2013
Variational method for finding periodic orbits in a general flow
Y Lan, P Cvitanović
Physical Review E 69 (1), 016217, 2004
The stochastic dynamics of filopodial growth
Y Lan, GA Papoian
Biophysical journal 94 (10), 3839-3852, 2008
Unstable recurrent patterns in Kuramoto-Sivashinsky dynamics
Y Lan, P Cvitanović
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Casimir force between topological insulator slabs
W Nie, R Zeng, Y Lan, S Zhu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 085421, 2013
Two-dimensional solitons in PT linear lattice potentials
J Zeng, Y Lan
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012
Theory of active transport in filopodia and stereocilia
PI Zhuravlev, Y Lan, MS Minakova, GA Papoian
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), 10849-10854, 2012
Controlling quantum coherence and entanglement in cavity magnomechanical systems
W Qiu, X Cheng, A Chen, Y Lan, W Nie
Physical Review A 105 (6), 063718, 2022
A variational approach to the stochastic aspects of cellular signal transduction
Y Lan, PG Wolynes, GA Papoian
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (12), 2006
Generating large steady-state optomechanical entanglement by the action of Casimir force
WJ Nie, YH Lan, Y Li, SY Zhu
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 57, 2276-2284, 2014
Effect of the Casimir force on the entanglement between a levitated nanosphere and cavity modes
W Nie, Y Lan, Y Li, S Zhu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 063809, 2012
Anomalous structure and dynamics in news diffusion among heterogeneous individuals
X Wang, Y Lan, J Xiao
Nature Human Behaviour 3 (7), 709-718, 2019
A stochastic model of the germinal center integrating local antigen competition, individualistic T–B Interactions, and B cell receptor signaling
P Wang, C Shih, H Qi, Y Lan
The Journal of Immunology 197 (4), 1169-1182, 2016
The interplay between discrete noise and nonlinear chemical kinetics in a signal amplification cascade
Y Lan, GA Papoian
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (15), 2006
Dynamics of a levitated nanosphere by optomechanical coupling and Casimir interaction
W Nie, Y Lan, Y Li, S Zhu
Physical Review A 88 (6), 063849, 2013
Macroscopic quantum coherence and mechanical squeezing of a graphene sheet
X Li, W Nie, A Chen, Y Lan
Physical Review A 96 (6), 063819, 2017
Stochastic resonant signaling in enzyme cascades
Y Lan, GA Papoian
Physical review letters 98 (22), 228301, 2007
Cooling mechanical motion via vacuum effect of an ensemble of quantum emitters
W Nie, A Chen, Y Lan
Optics Express 23 (24), 30970-30984, 2015
Cycle expansions: From maps to turbulence
Y Lan
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15 (3), 502-526, 2010
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Articles 1–20