Miguel Nicolau
Cited by
Cited by
Evolving levels for super mario bros using grammatical evolution
N Shaker, M Nicolau, GN Yannakakis, J Togelius, M O'neill
2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 304-311, 2012
Learning neural representations for network anomaly detection
M Nicolau, J McDermott
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 49 (8), 3074-3087, 2018
A Hybrid Autoencoder and Density Estimation Model for Anomaly Detection
VL Cao, M Nicolau, J McDermott
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 717-726, 2016
Evolving behaviour trees for the mario ai competition using grammatical evolution
D Perez, M Nicolau, M O’Neill, A Brabazon
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 123-132, 2011
Evolutionary behavior tree approaches for navigating platform games
M Nicolau, D Perez-Liebana, M O’Neill, A Brabazon
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 9 (3), 227-238, 2016
πGrammatical Evolution
M O’Neill, A Brabazon, M Nicolau, SM Garraghy, P Keenan
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation–GECCO 2004: Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2004
A grammar design pattern for arbitrary program synthesis problems in genetic programming
S Forstenlechner, D Fagan, M Nicolau, M O’Neill
Genetic Programming: 20th European Conference, EuroGP 2017, Amsterdam, The …, 2017
Genetic algorithms using grammatical evolution
C Ryan, M Nicolau, M O’Neill
Genetic Programming: 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002 Kinsale, Ireland …, 2002
Evolving genes to balance a pole
M Nicolau, M Schoenauer, W Banzhaf
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 196-207, 2010
One-class classification for anomaly detection with kernel density estimation and genetic programming
VL Cao, M Nicolau, J McDermott
Genetic Programming: 19th European Conference, EuroGP 2016, Porto, Portugal …, 2016
Choosing function sets with better generalisation performance for symbolic regression models
M Nicolau, A Agapitos
Genetic programming and evolvable machines 22 (1), 73-100, 2021
Understanding grammatical evolution: initialisation
M Nicolau
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 18 (4), 467-507, 2017
Extending program synthesis grammars for grammar-guided genetic programming
S Forstenlechner, D Fagan, M Nicolau, M O’Neill
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN XV: 15th International Conference …, 2018
Understanding grammatical evolution: Grammar design
M Nicolau, A Agapitos
Handbook of grammatical evolution, 23-53, 2018
Guidelines for defining benchmark problems in genetic programming
M Nicolau, A Agapitos, M O'Neill, A Brabazon
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1152-1159, 2015
Solving sudoku with the gAuGE system
M Nicolau, C Ryan
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 213-224, 2006
A survey of statistical machine learning elements in genetic programming
A Agapitos, R Loughran, M Nicolau, S Lucas, M O’Neill, A Brabazon
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23 (6), 1029-1048, 2019
Experiments in program synthesis with grammatical evolution: A focus on integer sorting
M O'Neill, M Nicolau, A Agapitos
2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1504-1511, 2014
Introducing grammar based extensions for grammatical evolution
M Nicolau, I Dempsey
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 648-655, 2006
Grammar defined introns: An investigation into grammars, introns, and bias in grammatical evolution
M O'Neill, C Ryan, M Nicolau
Spector, L., et al.(eds.). GECCO-2001: Proceedings of the Genetic and …, 2001
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Articles 1–20