Phillip Pardo
Cited by
Cited by
Tourism, travel and tweets: algorithmic text analysis methodologies in tourism
W Claster, P Pardo, M Cooper, K Tajeddini
Middle East Journal of Management 1 (1), 81-99, 2013
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP): Thailand's Emic Approach to Governance and Development as Evidence of an Asian-value Oriented Inclusive Leadership Management Philosophy.
OF von Feigenblatt, P Pardo, M Cooper
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 6 (2), 2021
The “Bad Students” Movement and Human Rights in Contemporary Thailand
O von Feigenblatt, P Pardo, M Cooper
Ciencias Sociales y Económicas 5 (1), 156-176, 2021
Corporativismo y autoritarismo benévolo: antídotos viables contra el populismo
OF von Feigenblatt, P Pardo, M Cooper
Revista de perspectivas alternativas en las ciencias sociales 11 (1), 95-98, 2021
Application of artificial neural network in social media data analysis: a case of lodging business in Philadelphia
T Le, P Pardo, W Claster
Artificial Neural Network Modelling, 369-376, 2016
Market orientation and business performance: evidence from the hotel industry in Germany
K Tajeddini, D Remy, P Pardo
International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 2 (3), 232-247, 2011
Corporatism and Benevolent Authoritarianism: Viable Antidotes to Populism
OF von Feigenblatt, P Pardo, M Cooper
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences (2021) Volume 11 …, 2021
Social media and knowledge transfer in tourism
M Cooper, W Claster, K Vafadari, P Pardo
Knowledge Transfer to and within Tourism 8, 239-255, 2017
The Impact of Technology Innovativeness on Four And Five Star Hotels In Switzerland
P Pardo, M Cooper, D Steiner, W Claster
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism 11 (1), 1-18, 2013
Knowledge transfer in the tourism industry: Implications of the use of social media in business analysis
M Cooper, TQ Le, WB Claster, P Pardo
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Papers 10, 27-41, 2015
Tourism and social media
WB Claster, PD Pardo, M Cooper, K Tajeddini
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, 3652-3665, 2015
The contribution of sustainable practices to financial performance and firm value in companies in developing countries: the case of India.
A Gupta, P Pardo, M Cooper
Confusion: An Exploratory Conversation on Meaning and Tools to Address Confusion at Work.
F Rouault, P Pardo, M Cooper, W Claster
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 11 (1), 2021
Impact of global pandemic on part-time employees working in tourism industry: the case of Beppu
R Deepika, M Cooper, P Pardo
JOHAT 19 (1), 14-35, 2021
The Americas
PD Pardo
Current Issues and Emerging Trends in Medical Tourism, 310-326, 2015
Is the TAPE cycle model able to address managerial confusion at work?
F Rouault, P Pardo, KR O’Reilly, M Cooper
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism 22 (1), 2024
ShopUp: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector of Bangladesh
F Istesham, HK Sumaita, P Pardo
Academy of Asian Business Review 8 (2), 1-32, 2022
The impact of the global pandemic on part-time employees working in the tourism industry: the case of Beppu.
D Rana, M Cooper, P Pardo
L'engagement professionnel: un référentiel de performance
F Rouault, P Pardo, C Drugmand
(No Title), 2020
An Early Pioneer of Medical Tourism's Use of the Internet and Social Media
PD Pardo
Current Issues and Emerging Trends in Medical Tourism, 162-172, 2015
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Articles 1–20