Marco Rivetti
Marco Rivetti
Thermal-Hydraulic Engineer at Framatome
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Cited by
Instant fabrication and selection of folded structures using drop impact
A Antkowiak, B Audoly, C Josserand, S Neukirch, M Rivetti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (26), 10400-10404, 2011
Role of kinks in the dynamics of contact lines receding on superhydrophobic surfaces
A Gauthier, M Rivetti, J Teisseire, E Barthel
Physical review letters 110 (4), 046101, 2013
Instabilities in a drop-strip system: a simplified model
M Rivetti, S Neukirch
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2012
Non-symmetric localized fold of a floating sheet
M Rivetti
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 341, 333-338, 2013
Elastocapillary levelling of thin viscous films on soft substrates
M Rivetti, V Bertin, T Salez, CY Hui, C Linne, M Arutkin, H Wu, E Raphaël, ...
Physical Review Fluids 2 (9), 094001, 2017
Surface fraction dependence of contact angles induced by kinks in the triple line
M Rivetti, J Teisseire, E Barthel
Physical review letters 115 (1), 016101, 2015
The mode branching route to localization of the finite-length floating elastica
M Rivetti, S Neukirch
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 69, 143-155, 2014
Adsorption-induced slip inhibition for polymer melts on ideal substrates
M Ilton, T Salez, PD Fowler, M Rivetti, M Aly, M Benzaquen, JD McGraw, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1172, 2018
Elasto-capillary meniscus: Pulling out a soft strip sticking to a liquid surface
M Rivetti, A Antkowiak
Soft Matter 9 (27), 6226-6234, 2013
Finite size effects on textured surfaces: recovering contact angles from vagarious drop edges
A Gauthier, M Rivetti, J Teisseire, E Barthel
Langmuir 30 (6), 1544-1549, 2014
Universal contact-line dynamics at the nanoscale
M Rivetti, T Salez, M Benzaquen, E Raphaël, O Bäumchen
Soft matter 11 (48), 9247-9253, 2015
Beyond the Navier-de Gennes paradigm: slip inhibition on ideal substrates
M Ilton, T Salez, PD Fowler, M Rivetti, M Aly, M Benzaquen, JD McGraw, ...
Nature Communications 9, 1172, 2018
Instant capillary origami
M Rivetti, B Audoly, S Neukirch, C Josserand, A Antkowiak
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts 63, HR. 001, 2010
Beyond the Navier-de Gennes Paradigm: Slip Inhibition on Ideal Substrates
J McGraw, M Ilton, T Salez, P Fowler, M Rivetti, M Aly, M Benzaquen, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, X55. 001, 2018
Soft Levelling: Capillary Relaxation of a Thin Liquid Film on an Elastic Substrate
M Rivetti, C Linne, T Salez, M Arutkin, E Raphael, O Baeumchen
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, S36. 014, 2016
On the origin of surface fraction scaling for receding contact angles on textured superhydrophobic surfaces
E Barthel, J Teisseire, M Rivetti
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, D34. 007, 2015
Universal Regimes in the Relaxation of Stepped Liquid Interfaces near Contact Lines
O Baeumchen, T Salez, M Benzaquen, E Raphael, M Rivetti
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2015, F42. 008, 2015
Elasticity of the contact line for droplets on anisotropic superhydrophobic surfaces
M Rivetti, A Gauthier, J Teisseire, E Barthel
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, N39. 002, 2013
An elastic meniscus
A Antkowiak, M Rivetti
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L19. 004, 2012
Stabilité et dynamique des interactions élastocapillaires
M Rivetti
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2012
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Articles 1–20