Makiko Sadakata
Makiko Sadakata
ILLC (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation), University of Amsterdam
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Cited by
Development of real‐time visual feedback assistance in singing training: a review
D Hoppe, M Sadakata, P Desain
Journal of computer assisted learning 22 (4), 308-316, 2006
Name that tune: decoding music from the listening brain
RS Schaefer, J Farquhar, Y Blokland, M Sadakata, P Desain
neuroimage 56 (2), 843-849, 2011
Individual aptitude in Mandarin lexical tone perception predicts effectiveness of high-variability training
M Sadakata, JM McQueen
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1318, 2014
Enhanced perception of various linguistic features by musicians: A cross-linguistic study
M Sadakata, K Sekiyama
Acta psychologica 138 (1), 1-10, 2011
High stimulus variability in nonnative speech learning supports formation of abstract categories: Evidence from Japanese geminates
M Sadakata, JM McQueen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), 1324-1335, 2013
The Bayesian way to relate rhythm perception and production
M Sadakata, P Desain, H Honing
Music Perception 23 (3), 269-288, 2006
Do you listen to music while studying? A portrait of how people use music to optimize their cognitive performance
F Goltz, M Sadakata
Acta psychologica 220, 103417, 2021
Real-time visual feedback for learning to perform short rhythms with expressive variations in timing and loudness
M Sadakata, D Hoppe, A Brandmeyer, R Timmers, P Desain
Journal of New Music Research 37 (3), 207-220, 2008
Attention to affective audio-visual information: Comparison between musicians and non-musicians
J Weijkamp, M Sadakata
Psychology of Music 45 (2), 204-215, 2017
The enhanced musical rhythmic perception in second language learners
MP Roncaglia-Denissen, DA Roor, A Chen, M Sadakata
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 288, 2016
A cross-cultural comparison study of the production of simple rhythmic patterns
M Sadakata, K Ohgushi, P Desain
Psychology of Music 32 (4), 389-403, 2004
Nonlinear changes in the rhythm of European art music: Quantitative support for historical musicology
NC Hansen, M Sadakata, M Pearce
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 33 (4), 414-431, 2016
Learning expressive percussion performance under different visual feedback conditions
A Brandmeyer, R Timmers, M Sadakata, P Desain
Psychological Research 75, 107-121, 2011
Perception and production in interaction during non-native speech category learning
J Thorin, M Sadakata, P Desain, JM McQueen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (1), 92-103, 2018
Neural advantages of older musicians involve the cerebellum: implications for healthy aging through lifelong musical instrument training
M Yamashita, C Ohsawa, M Suzuki, X Guo, M Sadakata, Y Otsuka, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 784026, 2022
Parallel pitch processing in speech and melody: A study of the interference of musical melody on lexical pitch perception in speakers of Mandarin
M Sadakata, JL Weidema, H Honing
PLoS One 15 (3), e0229109, 2020
The Japanese translation of the Gold-MSI: Adaptation and validation of the self-report questionnaire of musical sophistication
M Sadakata, Y Yamaguchi, C Ohsawa, M Matsubara, H Terasawa, ...
Musicae Scientiae 27 (3), 798-810, 2023
I still hear a melody: investigating temporal dynamics of the Speech-to-Song Illusion
G Groenveld, JA Burgoyne, M Sadakata
Psychological Research 84 (5), 1451-1459, 2020
Training expressive performance by means of visual feedback: existing and potential applications of performance measurement techniques
R Timmers, M Sadakata
Expressiveness in music performance: Empirical approaches across styles and …, 2014
A cross-cultural study of the rhythm in English and Japanese popular music
M Sadakata, P Desain, H Honing, AD Patel, JR Iversen
Proceedings of the international symposium on musical acoustics, 41-44, 2004
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Articles 1–20