Judy Bowen
Cited by
Cited by
The handbook of formal methods in human-computer interaction
B Weyers, J Bowen, A Dix, P Palanque
Springer, 2017
Formal models for user interface design artefacts
J Bowen, S Reeves
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 4, 125-141, 2008
Investigating real-time monitoring of fatigue indicators of New Zealand forestry workers
J Bowen, A Hinze, C Griffiths
Accident Analysis & Prevention 126, 122-141, 2019
Formal models for informal GUI designs
J Bowen, S Reeves
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 183, 57-72, 2007
Modelling safety properties of interactive medical systems
J Bowen, S Reeves
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2013
Case Studies
B Weyers, MD Harrison, J Bowen, A Dix, P Palanque
The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, 89, 2017
MyMemory: A mobile memory assistant for people with traumatic brain injury
C Chang, A Hinze, J Bowen, L Gilbert, N Starkey
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 117, 4-19, 2018
Modelling user manuals of modal medical devices and learning from the experience
J Bowen, S Reeves
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2012
Refinement for user interface designs
J Bowen, S Reeves
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 208, 5-22, 2008
Generating obligations, assertions and tests from UI models
J Bowen, S Reeves
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 1 (EICS), 1-18, 2017
Combining models for interactive system modelling
J Bowen, S Reeves
The handbook of formal methods in human-computer interaction, 161-182, 2017
Personal data collection in the workplace: Ethical and technical challenges
J Bowen, A Hinze, C Griffiths, V Kumar, D Bainbridge
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2017), 2017
Formal refinement of informal GUI design artefacts
J Bowen, S Reeves
Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC'06), 10 pp.-230, 2006
UI-driven test-first development of interactive systems
J Bowen, S Reeves
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2011
Using formal models to design user interfaces a case study
J Bowen, S Reeves
British Computer Society 1, 159-166, 2007
Wearable technology for hazardous remote environments: Smart shirt and Rugged IoT network for forestry worker health
A Hinze, J Bowen, JL König
Smart Health 23, 100225, 2022
Worker-fatigue contributing to workplace incidents in New Zealand Forestry
A Hinze, JL König, J Bowen
Journal of safety research 79, 304-320, 2021
State of the art on formal methods for interactive systems
R Oliveira, P Palanque, B Weyers, J Bowen, A Dix
The handbook of formal methods in human-computer interaction, 3-55, 2017
UI-design driven model-based testing
J Bowen, S Reeves
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 9, 201-215, 2013
Formal specification of user interface design guidelines
JA Bowen
University of Waikato, 2005
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Articles 1–20