Rasiah Loganantharaj
Rasiah Loganantharaj
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PAVIS: a tool for Peak Annotation and Visualization
W Huang, R Loganantharaj, B Schroeder, D Fargo, L Li
Bioinformatics 29 (23), 3097-3099, 2013
Identification of the B-Raf/Mek/Erk MAP kinase pathway as a target for all-trans retinoic acid during skin cancer promotion
SB Cheepala, W Yin, Z Syed, JN Gill, A McMillian, HE Kleiner, M Lynch, ...
Molecular cancer 8, 1-16, 2009
Identification of SSR markers associated with height using pool-based genome-wide association mapping in sorghum
YH Wang, P Bible, R Loganantharaj, HD Upadhyaya
Molecular Breeding 30, 281-292, 2012
A deep learning model for predicting tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes from PDB structure
A Tavanaei, N Anandanadarajah, A Maida, R Loganantharaj
2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Towards recognition of protein function based on its structure using deep convolutional networks
A Tavanaei, AS Maida, A Kaniymattam, R Loganantharaj
2016 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
The limitations of existing approaches in improving MicroRNA target prediction accuracy
R Loganantharaj, TA Randall
Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research, 133-158, 2017
A framework for the development of agile manufacturing enterprises
R Kollura, S Smith, P Meredith, R Loganautharaj, T Chambers, ...
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
Probabilistic approach for representing and reasoning with repetitive events
R Loganantharaj, S Gimbrone
Proc. second International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning …, 1995
Theoretical and implementational aspects of parallel link resolution in connection graphs (commutativity, dcdp parallelism, dc)
R Loganantharaj
Parallel theorem proving with connection graphs
R Loganantharaj, RA Müller
8th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Oxford, England, July …, 1986
PAPST, a user friendly and powerful Java platform for ChIP-seq peak co-localization analysis and beyond
PW Bible, Y Kanno, L Wei, SR Brooks, JJ O’Shea, MI Morasso, ...
PLoS One 10 (5), e0127285, 2015
Reasoning about networks of temporal relations and its applications to problem solving
S Keretho, R Loganantharaj
Applied Intelligence 3, 47-70, 1993
Qualitative and quantitative time interval constraint networks
S Keretho, R Loganantharaj
Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer Science, 239-246, 1991
Representation of, and reasoning with, near-periodic recurrent events
R Loganantharaj, S Gimbrone
9th IJCAI Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, 1-6, 1995
A new model for projecting temporal distance using fuzzy temporal constraints
R Loganantharaj, S Kurkovsky
Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and …, 2020
Designer's Workbench: a tool to assist in the capture and utilization of design knowledge
BA Babin, R Loganantharaj
Artificial Intelligence in Design'91, 249-267, 1991
The effects of shared information on semantic calculations in the gene ontology
PW Bible, HW Sun, MI Morasso, R Loganantharaj, L Wei
Computational and structural biotechnology journal 15, 195-211, 2017
Issues on synchronizing when propagating temporal constraints
R Loganantharaj, S Gimbrone
Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on Spatial and …, 1997
Parallel Link Resolution of Connection Graph Refutation and Its Implementation.
R Loganantharaj
ICPP, 154-157, 1987
Intelligent Problem Solving. Methodologies and Approaches: 13th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert …
R Logananthara, G Palm, M Ali
Springer, 2003
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Articles 1–20