Dave Kleinschmidt
Cited by
Cited by
Robust speech perception: recognize the familiar, generalize to the similar, and adapt to the novel.
DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Psychological review 122 (2), 148, 2015
Immediate effects of anticipatory coarticulation in spoken-word recognition
AP Salverda, D Kleinschmidt, MK Tanenhaus
Journal of memory and language 71 (1), 145-163, 2014
A Bayesian belief updating model of phonetic recalibration and selective adaptation
D Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
ACL CMCL 2011, 10, 2011
Structure in talker variability: How much is there and how much can it help?
DF Kleinschmidt
Language, cognition and neuroscience 34 (1), 43-68, 2019
A belief-updating model of adaptation and cue combination in syntactic comprehension
DF Kleinschmidt, AB Fine, TF Jaeger
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 34 (34), 2012
Sociolinguistic perception as inference under uncertainty
DF Kleinschmidt, K Weatherholtz, T Florian Jaeger
Topics in cognitive science 10 (4), 818-834, 2018
Learning additional languages as hierarchical probabilistic inference: Insights from first language processing
B Pajak, AB Fine, DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Language Learning 66 (4), 900-944, 2016
PyBIDS: Python tools for BIDS datasets
T Yarkoni, CJ Markiewicz, A de la Vega, KJ Gorgolewski, T Salo, ...
Journal of open source software 4 (40), 2019
Re-examining selective adaptation: Fatiguing feature detectors, or distributional learning?
DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 678-691, 2016
A continuum of phonetic adaptation: Evaluating an incremental belief-updating model of recalibration and selective adaptation
DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 34 (34), 2012
Greenbergian universals, diachrony, and statistical analyses
W Croft, T Bhattacharya, D Kleinschmidt, DE Smith, TF Jaeger
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 15 (2), 433-453, 2011
What do you expect from an unfamiliar talker?
DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
CogSci, 2016
Supervised and unsupervised learning in phonetic adaptation.
DF Kleinschmidt, RDS Raizada, TF Jaeger
CogSci, 2015
Procedural memory effects in categorization: Evidence for multiple systems or task complexity?
SR Zaki, DF Kleinschmidt
Memory & cognition 42, 508-524, 2014
Lexical information guides retuning of neural patterns in perceptual learning for speech
S Luthra, JM Correia, DF Kleinschmidt, L Mesite, EB Myers
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32 (10), 2001-2012, 2020
Perception in a variable but structured world: The case of speech perception
DF Kleinschmidt
University of Rochester, 2016
What constrains distributional learning in adults?
D Kleinschmidt
PsyArXiv, 2020
Robust speech perception: Recognizing the familiar, generalizing to the similar, and adapting to the novel
D Kleinschmidt, F Jaeger
Psychological Review, 0
A single mechanism for language learning across the lifespan
JC Toscano, CM Munson, DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2015
Inferring listeners’ prior beliefs about unfamiliar talkers
DF Kleinschmidt, TF Jaeger
Manuscript Submitted for Publication, 1-9, 2015
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Articles 1–20