Monica Baia
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Cited by
Controlling gold nanoparticle assemblies for efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering and localized surface plasmon resonance sensors
F Toderas, M Baia, L Baia, S Astilean
Nanotechnology 18 (25), 255702, 2007
Gold films deposited over regular arrays of polystyrene nanospheres as highly effective SERS substrates from visible to NIR
L Baia, M Baia, J Popp, S Astilean
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (47), 23982-23986, 2006
Structural properties of silver nanoclusters–phosphate glass composites
L Baia, D Muresan, M Baia, J Popp, S Simon
Vibrational spectroscopy 43 (2), 313-318, 2007
Chitosan-coated anisotropic silver nanoparticles as a SERS substrate for single-molecule detection
M Potara, M Baia, C Farcau, S Astilean
Nanotechnology 23 (5), 055501, 2012
Probing the enhancement mechanisms of SERS with p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on self-assembled gold colloidal nanoparticles
M Baia, F Toderas, L Baia, J Popp, S Astilean
Chemical Physics Letters 422 (1-3), 127-132, 2006
A Raman spectroscopic study of the diclofenac sodium–β-cyclodextrin interaction
T Iliescu, M Baia, V Miclăuş
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences 22 (5), 487-495, 2004
Raman and SERS investigations of pharmaceuticals
M Baia, S Astilean, T Iliescu
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Gold nanostructured films deposited on polystyrene colloidal crystal templates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
M Baia, L Baia, S Astilean
Chemical physics letters 404 (1-3), 3-8, 2005
Experimental assessment of the phonon confinement in TiO2 anatase nanocrystallites by Raman spectroscopy
D Georgescu, L Baia, O Ersen, M Baia, S Simon
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (7), 876-883, 2012
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering efficiency of truncated tetrahedral Ag nanoparticle arrays mediated by electromagnetic couplings
M Baia, L Baia, S Astilean, J Popp
Applied physics letters 88 (14), 2006
Raman and surface-enhanced Raman study of thiamine at different pH values
N Leopold, S Cîntă-Pînzaru, M Baia, E Antonescu, O Cozar, W Kiefer, ...
Vibrational Spectroscopy 39 (2), 169-176, 2005
Synthesis, structural characterization, and photocatalytic properties of iron-doped TiO2 aerogels
M Popa, L Diamandescu, F Vasiliu, CM Teodorescu, V Cosoveanu, ...
Journal of materials science 44, 358-364, 2009
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for quantitative analysis: results of a large-scale European multi-instrument interlaboratory study
S Fornasaro, F Alsamad, M Baia, LAE Batista de Carvalho, C Beleites, ...
Analytical chemistry 92 (5), 4053-4064, 2020
Photocatalytic hydrogen production using TiO2–Pt aerogels
J Puskelova, L Baia, A Vulpoi, M Baia, M Antoniadou, V Dracopoulos, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 242, 96-101, 2014
Structural and morphological properties of silver nanoparticles–phosphate glass composites
L Baia, M Baia, W Kiefer, J Popp, S Simon
Chemical Physics 327 (1), 63-69, 2006
Synthesis and nanostructural characterization of TiO2 aerogels for photovoltaic devices
L Baia, A Peter, V Cosoveanu, E Indrea, M Baia, J Popp, V Danciu
Thin Solid Films 511, 512-516, 2006
Comparability of Raman spectroscopic configurations: a large scale cross-laboratory study
S Guo, C Beleites, U Neugebauer, S Abalde-Cela, NK Afseth, F Alsamad, ...
Analytical chemistry 92 (24), 15745-15756, 2020
Density functional theory investigation of p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on gold nanoparticles
D Maniu, V Chis, M Baia, F Toderas, S Astilean
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9 (3), 733, 2007
Preparation of TiO2/WO3 composite photocatalysts by the adjustment of the semiconductors' surface charge
L Baia, E Orbán, S Fodor, B Hampel, EZ Kedves, I Székely, É Karácsonyi, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 42, 66-71, 2016
IR, Raman and SERS analysis of amikacin combined with DFT-based calculations
C Balan, LC Pop, M Baia
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 214, 79-85, 2019
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Articles 1–20