Baruch Schwarz
Baruch Schwarz
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Abstraction in context: Epistemic actions
R Hershkowitz, BB Schwarz, T Dreyfus
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 32 (2), 195-222, 2001
Construction of collective and individual knowledge in argumentative activity
BB Schwarz, Y Neuman, J Gil, M Ilya
The journal of the learning sciences 12 (2), 219-256, 2003
The effects of monological and dialogical argumentation on concept learning in evolutionary theory.
CSC Asterhan, BB Schwarz
Journal of educational psychology 99 (3), 626, 2007
Argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: Indications from protocol analyses of peer‐to‐peer dialog
CSC Asterhan, BB Schwarz
Cognitive science 33 (3), 374-400, 2009
Argumentation for learning: Well-trodden paths and unexplored territories
CSC Asterhan, BB Schwarz
Educational Psychologist 51 (2), 164-187, 2016
Two wrongs may make a right... if they argue together!
BB Schwarz, Y Neuman, S Biezuner
Cognition and instruction 18 (4), 461-494, 2000
Argumentation and learning
BB Schwarz
Argumentation and education: Theoretical foundations and practices, 91-126, 2009
The role of contradiction and uncertainty in promoting the need to prove in dynamic geometry environments
N Hadas, R Hershkowitz, BB Schwarz
Educational studies in Mathematics 44, 127-150, 2000
Dialogue, argumentation and education: History, theory and practice
BB Schwarz, MJ Baker
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Visions of CSCL: Eight provocations for the future of the field
AF Wise, BB Schwarz
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 12, 423-467, 2017
Prototypes: Brakes or levers in learning the function concept? The role of computer tools
BB Schwarz, R Hershkowitz
Journal for research in mathematics education, 362-389, 1999
What stands and develops between creative and critical thinking? Argumentation?
A Glassner, BB Schwarz
Thinking Skills and Creativity 2 (1), 10-18, 2007
Abstraction in context: the case of peer interaction.
T Dreyfus, R Hershkowitz, B Schwarz
Cognitive Science Quarterly, 2001
The emergent perspective in rich learning environments: Some roles of tools and activities in the construction of sociomathematical norms
R Hershkowitz, B Schwarz
Educational Studies in Mathematics 39 (1), 149-166, 1999
The role of task design and argumentation in cognitive development during peer interaction: The case of proportional reasoning
BB Schwarz, L Linchevski
Learning and Instruction 17 (5), 510-531, 2007
Online moderation of synchronous e-argumentation
CSC Asterhan, BB Schwarz
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 5, 259-282, 2010
Mathematics curriculum development for computerized environments: A designer-researcher-teacher-learner activity
R Hershkowitz, T Dreyfus, D Ben-Zvi, A Friedlander, N Hadas, T Resnick, ...
Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 657-694, 2002
Argumentative design
JEB Andriessen, BB Schwarz
Argumentation and education: Theoretical foundations and practices, 145-174, 2009
E-moderation of synchronous discussions in educational settings: A nascent practice
BB Schwarz, CS Asterhan
Journal of the Learning sciences 20 (3), 395-442, 2011
New actions upon old objects: A new ontological perspective on functions
B Schwarz, T Dreyfus
Educational studies in mathematics 29 (3), 259-291, 1995
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Articles 1–20