Matthijs (Matt) van der Meer
Matthijs (Matt) van der Meer
Associate Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
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Hippocampal replay is not a simple function of experience
AS Gupta, MAA Van Der Meer, DS Touretzky, AD Redish
Neuron 65 (5), 695-705, 2010
Segmentation of spatial experience by hippocampal theta sequences
AS Gupta, MAA van der Meer, DS Touretzky, AD Redish
Nature Neuroscience 15 (7), 1032-1039, 2012
Integrating hippocampus and striatum in decision-making
A Johnson, MAA van der Meer, AD Redish
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 17 (6), 692-697, 2007
Triple dissociation of information processing in dorsal striatum, ventral striatum, and hippocampus on a learned spatial decision task
MAA Van Der Meer, A Johnson, NC Schmitzer-Torbert, AD Redish
Neuron 67 (1), 25-32, 2010
Theta phase precession in rat ventral striatum links place and reward information
MAA van der Meer, AD Redish
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (8), 2843-2854, 2011
Corticostriatal interactions during learning, memory processing, and decision making
C Pennartz, JD Berke, AM Graybiel, R Ito, CS Lansink, M van der Meer, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (41), 12831, 2009
Internally generated sequences in learning and executing goal-directed behavior
G Pezzulo, MAA van der Meer, CS Lansink, CMA Pennartz
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (12), 647-657, 2014
Information processing in decision-making systems
M van der Meer, Z Kurth-Nelson, AD Redish
The Neuroscientist 18 (4), 342-359, 2012
Exploring the role of context‐dependent hippocampal activity in spatial alternation behavior
JA Ainge, MAA van der Meer, RF Langston, ER Wood
Hippocampus 17 (10), 988-1002, 2007
Low and high gamma oscillations in rat ventral striatum have distinct relationships to behavior, reward, and spiking activity on a learned spatial decision task
MAA van der Meer, AD Redish
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3, 9, 2009
Covert expectation-of-reward in rat ventral striatum at decision points
MAA Van Der Meer, AD Redish
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3, 1, 2009
Internally generated hippocampal sequences as a vantage point to probe future-oriented cognition
G Pezzulo, C Kemere, M van der Meer
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1396, 144-165, 2017
Adaptive properties of differential learning rates for positive and negative outcomes
RD Cazé, MAA van der Meer
Biological Cybernetics 107 (6), 711-719, 2013
Ventral striatum: a critical look at models of learning and evaluation
MAA van der Meer, AD Redish
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 21 (3), 387-92, 2011
Expectancies in decision making, reinforcement learning, and ventral striatum
MAA Van Der Meer, AD Redish
Frontiers in Neuroscience 4, 6, 2010
Integrating early results on ventral striatal gamma oscillations in the rat
MAA Van Der Meer, T Kalenscher, CS Lansink, CMA Pennartz, JD Berke, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 4, 28, 2010
Reward revaluation biases hippocampal replay content away from the preferred outcome
AA Carey, Y Tanaka, MAA van der Meer
Nature Neuroscience 22, 1450–1459, 2019
The Head-Direction Signal Plays a Functional Role as a Neural Compass during Navigation
WN Butler, KS Smith, MAA van der Meer, JS Taube
Current Biology 27 (9), 1259-1267, 2017
A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations
AA Liu, S Henin, S Abbaspoor, A Bragin, EA Buffalo, JS Farrell, DJ Foster, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-14, 2022
Risk-responsive orbitofrontal neurons track acquired salience
M Ogawa, MAA van der Meer, GR Esber, DH Cerri, TA Stalnaker, ...
Neuron 77 (2), 251-258, 2013
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Articles 1–20