Yumiko Murai
Cited by
Cited by
Learning by teaching with virtual peers and the effects of technological design choices on learning
SY Okita, S Turkay, M Kim, Y Murai
Computers & Education 63, 176-196, 2013
PlushPal: Storytelling with interactive plush toys and machine learning
T Tseng, Y Murai, N Freed, D Gelosi, TD Ta, Y Kawahara
Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM interaction design and children …, 2021
Application of creative learning principles within blended teacher professional development on integration of computer programming education into elementary and middle school …
Y Murai, H Muramatsu
Information and Learning Sciences 121 (7/8), 665-675, 2020
Embedding assessment in school-based making: preliminary exploration of principles for embedded assessment in maker learning
Y Murai, YJ Kim, E Martin, P Kirschmann, L Rosenheck, J Reich
Proceedings of FabLearn 2019, 180-183, 2019
“There are a LOT of moral issues with biowearables”... Teaching Design Ethics through a Critical Making Biowearable Workshop
AN Antle, Y Murai, A Kitson, Y Candau, ZMT Dao-Kroeker, A Adibi
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2022
Turning frustration into learning opportunities during maker activities: A review of literature: Frustration in Makerspaces
A Yulis San Juan, Y Murai
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 100519, 2022
Principles of assessment in school-based making
Y Murai, YJ Kim, S Chang, J Reich
Learning: Research and Practice 9 (1), 57-72, 2023
Designing Biotech ethics cards: Promoting critical making during an online workshop with youth
Z Minh-Tam Dao-Kroeker, A Kitson, A N. Antle, Y Murai, A Adibi
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
Embedded Assessment Tools for Maker Classrooms: A Design-Based Research Approach
YJ Kim, Y Murai, S Chang
The International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1421-1428, 2020
Implementation of embedded assessment in maker classrooms: challenges and opportunities
YJ Kim, Y Murai, S Chang
Information and Learning Sciences 122 (3/4), 292-314, 2021
Design strategies to integrate creative learning in elementary school curricula through computer programming activities
Y Murai, R Ikejiri, Y Yamauchi, A Tanaka, S Nakano
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (7), 4698-4712, 2023
Facilitating online distributed critical making: lessons learned
Y Murai, A N. Antle, A Kitson, Y Candau, A Adibi, Z Dao-Kroeker, ...
FabLearn Europe/MakeEd 2021-An International Conference on Computing, Design …, 2021
Opportunities and scaffolds for critical reflection on ethical issues in an online after school biowearable workshop for youth
A N. Antle, A Kitson, Y Murai, J Desnoyers-Stewart, Y Candau, A Adibi, ...
FabLearn Europe/MakeEd 2021-An International Conference on Computing, Design …, 2021
Facilitating open online discussions: speech acts inspiring and hindering deep conversations
D Tirthali, Y Murai
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 39 (3), 280-296, 2024
Making as an opportunity for classroom assessment: Canadian maker educators’ views on assessment
Y Murai, AY San Juan
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 39, 100631, 2024
Designing a new performing arts education through constructing a global theatre
G Miyakita, Y Murai, T Tomine, K Okawa
Cases on formal and informal e-learning environments: Opportunities and …, 2013
Online Arts and Design Studios and Experiential Learning: A Review of Literature
Z Lin, Y Murai
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2023
Facilitating critical reflection in online distributed maker workshops: Case studies
Y Murai, AN Antle, A Kitson, Y Candau, A Adibi, Z Dao-Kroeker, ...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 33, 100509, 2022
Frustration as an Opportunity for Learning: Review of Literature
AY San Juan, Y Murai
Proceedings of FabLearn Europe 2021, 2021
Reimagining Assessment for Maker Education in Elementary Education: Findings from a Values-led Co-Design Workshop with Teachers
A Veldhuis, Y Murai, A Lin, K Kumpulainen, AN Antle
Proceedings of FabLearn/Constructionism 2023: Full and Short Research Papers …, 2023
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Articles 1–20