Srikant Prasad Verma
Srikant Prasad Verma
Persistent Systems Ltd. Pune
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Cited by
Multi-omics data integration, interpretation, and its application
I Subramanian, S Verma, S Kumar, A Jere, K Anamika
Bioinformatics and biology insights 14, 1177932219899051, 2020
Transcriptomic Profiling Using Next Generation Sequencing - Advances, Advantages, and Challenges
K Anamika, S Verma, A Jere, A Desai
InTech, 2016
Loss of hepatic oscillatory fed microRNAs abrogates refed transition and causes liver dysfunctions
B Maniyadath, T Chattopadhyay, S Verma, S Kumari, P Kulkarni, ...
Cell reports 26 (8), 2212-2226. e7, 2019
Integrated gene co-expression network analysis in the growth phase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals new potential drug targets
BL Puniya, D Kulshreshtha, SP Verma, S Kumar, S Ramachandran
Molecular BioSystems 9 (11), 2798-2815, 2013
Genome-wide identification of novel intergenic enhancer-like elements: implications in the regulation of transcription in Plasmodium falciparum
S Ubhe, M Rawat, S Verma, K Anamika, K Karmodiya
BMC genomics 18, 1-16, 2017
Profiling conserved biological pathways in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disorder (ADPKD) to elucidate key transcriptomic alterations regulating cystogenesis: A cross …
S Chatterjee, SP Verma, P Pandey
Gene 627, 434-450, 2017
Biological Data Modelling and Scripting in R
S Ramachandran, R Chaudhuri, SP Verma, C Paul, S Chakraborty, ...
Systems and Computational Biology–Bioinformatics and Computational Modeling, 2011
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