Ruben Vosmeer
Ruben Vosmeer
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Cited by
Engineered factor Xa variants retain procoagulant activity independent of direct factor Xa inhibitors
D Verhoef, KM Visscher, CR Vosmeer, KL Cheung, PH Reitsma, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 528, 2017
Functional characterization of eight human cytochrome P450 1A2 gene variants by recombinant protein expression
BB Palma, CR Vosmeer, J Lastdrager, J Rueff, NPE Vermeulen, ...
The pharmacogenomics journal 10 (6), 478-488, 2010
Towards automated binding affinity prediction using an iterative linear interaction energy approach
CR Vosmeer, R Pool, MF Van Stee, L Perić-Hassler, NPE Vermeulen, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 15 (1), 798-816, 2014
QM/MM-based fitting of atomic polarizabilities for use in condensed-phase biomolecular simulation
CR Vosmeer, AS Rustenburg, JE Rice, HW Horn, WC Swope, DP Geerke
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (10), 3839-3853, 2012
Improving the iterative Linear Interaction Energy approach using automated recognition of configurational transitions
CR Vosmeer, DP Kooi, L Capoferri, MM Terpstra, NPE Vermeulen, ...
Journal of molecular modeling 22, 1-8, 2016
Mutation in KERA identified by linkage analysis and targeted resequencing in a pedigree with premature atherosclerosis
S Maiwald, S Sivapalaratnam, MM Motazacker, JC van Capelleveen, I Bot, ...
Plos one 9 (5), e98289, 2014
A comparison between QM/MM and QM/QM based fitting of condensed-phase atomic polarizabilities
CR Vosmeer, K Kiewisch, K Keijzer, L Visscher, DP Geerke
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (33), 17857-17862, 2014
A systematic approach to calibrate a transferable polarizable force field parameter set for primary alcohols
KM Visscher, CR Vosmeer, RA Luirink, DP Geerke
Journal of Computational Chemistry 38 (8), 508-517, 2017
Improved description of complex plasticity and interactions in protein-ligand simulations
CR Vosmeer
Faculty of Sciences/Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Division of Molecular and Computational Toxicology
CR Vosmeer
VU University Amsterdam, 2014
A big data approach to calibrate a single transferable polarizable force field parameter set for alcohols
CR Vosmeer, KM Visscher, RA Luirink, DP Geerke
Improving iterative LIE models using automated recognition of configurational transitions
CR Vosmeer, DP Kooi, MM Terpstra, NPE Vermeulen, DP Geerke
Towards automated binding affinity prediction using iterative Linear Interaction Energy theory
CR Vosmeer, R Pool, MF van Stee, L Peric-Hassler, NPE Vermeulen, ...
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Articles 1–13